Tuesday 4 November 2008

Our Endorsement for Barack Obama

1 comment:

  1. Our Endorsement for Barack Obama

    4 November 2008

    Today the American people will elect their 44th president. One of the presidential candidates, either John McCain, 72, or Barack Obama, 44, is going to spend the next four years in the White House.

    Due to the US’s incomparable power in the world, who the next president will be and what kind of policies will he adopt is crucial to not only the American people, but also the whole world, including China.

    For China, the Sino-US tie is its most important bilateral relationship, and its stability is the basic point of China’s diplomatic policy. Chinese leaders care very much what kind of US President they will have to deal with. The US is one of China’s largest trade partners, its most important source for investment and technology. The US also inspires China’s new strategy of development.

    For the US, China’s rise will be among the largest challenges and opportunities for the next President when formulating diplomatic policy. Goldman Sachs estimates China will overtake the US to become the world’s biggest economy in 2027. The US has admitted China as a world economic leader, and some Americans even suggest developing the Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue into a G2 system. The US needs China’s continuous investment into dollar assets to support the dollar’s leadership.

    Although Obama is the Democratic Party candidate, and has spoken of protectionism against China under the pressure of trade unions, we still believe he has faith in free trade, and as President will work to further open US markets, just as President Clinton did in the 1990s.

    We believe Obama will have new ideas for the current financial crisis and economic slowdown. His economic consultants include former Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Larry Summers and former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, experienced and top-notch economists, and the world’s most successful investor, the canny and prudent Warren Buffet. As the US economy is continues to flag and the policies of the Fed and Treasury are slow to take effect, we believe if Obama wins, he may raise policies that will boost confidence. China anxiously awaits the calming of the US economy and financial markets, as crucial for China as for the US itself.

    We think Obama will work to solve some of the tough social policy problems facing the US, such as social security and the medical system. These are problems that also disturb China. Obama’s solutions may offer China some guidance.

    Compared with the Republican Party candidate, we see Obama’s diplomatic policy focusing more on allies, partnership and multilateral relationships, instead of solving problems with power only. Obama will also pay more attention to cooperation with China on environmental and energy problems.

    Obama is an African American, growing from a community organizer to be a US Senator. After winning his party’s presidential nomination against a powerful bid by Senator Hilary Clinton, he is now challenging for the White House. He has gained support from not only African Americans and other ethnic groups, but also from most of the mainstream media, and is leading McCain in polls. Endowed with distinctive charisma, Obama, win or lose, is helping to build a more harmonious society in the US.

    Chinastakes.com believes America needs change, and Obama will be its best choice.
