Tuesday 4 November 2008

5 reasons why McCain will lose

1 comment:

  1. 5 reasons why McCain will lose

    1. The current political environment

    President George Bush has the lowest job approval ratings in modern times, even lower than Richard Nixon's during the Watergate scandal. Nine in 10 Americans also think that things are on the wrong track.

    2. Brand damage

    McCain damaged his 'maverick' reputation by coddling up to the religious right and President Bush.

    And that damage was exacerbated in how his campaign has been conducted over the last few months - negative attacks which voters could care less about and emphasising issues which only conservatives seemed to care.

    3. Sarah Palin

    Picking her for vice-president made McCain look like a total political opportunist as the US public concluded she was unqualified.

    Swing and moderate voters were also put off by her views on many issues and her personal attacks on the Democratic ticket.

    4. Debates

    It is very unusual for one side to win every single debate, and Obama did, according to most opinion polls. Biden also best Palin.

    5. Financial meltdown

    The way McCain handled the challenge didn't give voters much comfort. Even before Wall Street collapsed, the economy was already the number one issue. And with the meltdown, it became even more important.
