Thursday 20 December 2007

Today 20 December 2007


  1. China Raises Interest Rates to Nine-Year High to Cool Inflation

    Dec. 20 (Bloomberg) -- China raised interest rates for a sixth time this year to cool decade-high inflation in the world’s fastest-growing major economy.

    The benchmark one-year lending rate will increase to 7.47 percent, a nine-year high, from 7.29 percent, starting tomorrow, the People’s Bank of China said today on its Web site. The one- year deposit rate will rise to 4.14 percent from 3.87 percent.

    Chinese households’ concern about inflation is at the highest level since a survey began in 1999, the central bank said today. The larger increase in the deposit rate may encourage investors to keep their money in the bank, after house prices rose at the fastest pace since 2005 and the main stock index more than doubled this year.

    Monetary policy is ‘‘not tight enough yet and there will be more measures coming,’’ said Glenn Maguire, chief Asia economist at Societe Generale SA in Hong Kong.

    Consumer prices climbed 6.9 percent in November from a year earlier, the quickest pace since December 1996, on fuel and food costs. Producer prices jumped 4.6 percent, the biggest increase in more than two years.

    China should let its currency appreciate, given ‘‘mounting inflation, growing asset bubbles and possible overheating,’’ U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said this month.

    The yuan has gained more than 12 percent against the U.S. dollar since the end of a peg in July 2005.

    Stronger Currency

    A stronger Chinese currency would help cool inflation by lowering import costs and slowing money inflows from the trade surplus by pushing up export prices. The trade surplus surged 52.2 percent in the first 11 months of 2007 from a year earlier to $238.1 billion.

    In addition to interest rates, the People’s Bank of China has sold bills to absorb cash and raised the proportion of deposits lenders must hold as reserves to 14.5 percent from 9 percent at the start of this year.

    ‘‘Raising the reserve requirement has become more symbolic than substantial,’’ said Kevin Lai, senior economist at Daiwa Institute of Research in Hong Kong. ‘‘At the end of the day, the root cause is the trade surplus. China needs a one-off currency revaluation to reduce inflation and liquidity inflows.’’

    House prices in 70 major cities jumped 10.5 percent in November from a year earlier.

    China’s economy, the world’s fourth largest, expanded 11.5 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier.

    Growth is likely to slow to 10.5 percent in 2008 from 11.4 percent this year on tightening measures, the Asian Development Bank said this month. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development forecasts a decline to a 10.7 percent pace on reduced demand for exports.

  2. Power Flow Reverses For Wall Street And China

    20 December 2007

    Not so long ago, Wall Street banks were recapitalizing insolvent Chinese state-owned financial institutions as well as leading companies in the state-controlled economy.

    Now the money is beginning to flow the other way, as evidenced by the $5 billion bailout of Morgan Stanley by a Chinese government-owned fund, China Investment Corp., that was announced Wednesday.

    Exactly a decade ago, Morgan Stanley became the first Wall Street bank to gain a foothold in China, taking a 34% stake in the first investment bank set up in China, the government-controlled China International Capital Corp., known as CICC.

    In subsequent years, despite well-publicized power-sharing problems between Morgan and CICC’s state controllers, it has benefited from the relationship, securing a leading advisory role in billions of dollars worth of offshore initial public offerings by Chinese companies. It also has invested in the country through a private-equity fund.

    Morgan Stanley is the top player in China’s fast-growing investment banking business with a 10.4% market share, garnering $690 million in net revenue in the seven years since 2000, compared to its No. 5 position globally with a 5.9% market share, according to Dealogic.

    With its capital injection from China Investment Corp., or CIC--the new government agency responsible for investing $200 billion of the country’s $1.4 billion in foreign currency reserves--the one-way money flow from Wall Street has been reversed.

    It follows on the heels of a deal struck in October by Bear Stearns, a small investment banking player in China, in which it replenished its depleted capital by forging a cross-shareholding alliance with China’s CITIC.

    The Chinese government is assuming a dual relationship with Morgan: It will be the second-largest shareholder after State Street while remaining one of its largest customers, which could pose a conflict of interest for Morgan in its future dealings with China.

    The structure of the Chinese investment in Morgan appears aimed to stave off that concern. CIC will not gain a seat on Morgan’s board, content to be a passive shareholder, earning a rich annual interest rate of 9% on bonds that will be convertible into stock in 2010.

    By capping the stake at no more than 9.9%, the investment would also avoid a foreign investment review in Washington.

    CIC paid $3 billion for a 9.9% stake in the American buyout firm Blackstone prior to its June 22 IPO at the height of the private-equity boom; the slide in Blackstone's share price since has translated into paper losses for the Chinese fund and criticism in the press.

    It can only hope that it is being savvier with its aggressive investment in the loss-hit U.S. investment bank.

    On the Blackstone deal, a commentator for Shanghai’s popular Xining Evening News expressed wry amazement at the prospect of an American financial institution pledging to recycle Chinese capital in China, comparable to China’s purchasing of American Treasury bills with the proceeds from its exports to the U.S.

    Morgan’s future moves in China will not escape similar cynical scrutiny.

  3. WSJA(12/20)Heard In China:Shipbuilder Lures Wave Of Investors

    By Kirsty Green

    Singapore -- SINCE GETTING LISTED in Singapore in April, China-based Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings) has drawn a wave of investors as a play on the hot Chinese economy and boom-times in the business. Next month, its shares join a revamped Straits Times Index, which could boost long-term interest in the company.

    Yangzijiang certainly hasn't been immune to a broad market selloff, sparked by U.S. economic jitters, that has hit Singapore's China stocks hard. Yesterday, the share-price slid 3.1% to S$1.85 (US$1.27). That is 32% below its S$2.74 peak close on Oct. 18.

    With that tumble, many analysts think Yangzijiang is attractively valued. They say its ratio of 2008 price-earnings level to earnings growth is lower than that of Singapore-listed peer Cosco Corp. (Singapore), a unit of giant China Ocean Shipping Group. And they like the fundamentals of Yangzijiang, China's largest nonstate-run shipbuilder by order book.

    Last month, the company reported a 68% rise in third-quarter net profit from a year earlier to 224.7 million yuan (US$30.4 million) -- 30% above DBS Vickers's expectation. During November, according to the company, it secured US$204 million of contracts in November, taking its order book to US$5.7 billion.

    "With these new orders, they have visibility until 2011 in terms of revenue," says DBS Vickers analyst Ho Pei Hwa, who has a "buy" and a S$3.04 12-month price target on the stock.

    Of course, there isn't visibility on the global economy, and any substantial economic slowdown would affect shipbuilders. But many analysts believe that with a continuing shortage of vessels, shipyards should stay busy in coming years.

    Like many shipbuilders, Yangzijiang is expanding to meet surging demand for carriers of fuel and raw materials, partly driven by China. Ship operators, keen to make the most of the robust freight rate environment, are ordering vessels they will receive years from now.

    Yangzijiang, founded more than 50 years ago, picked Singapore to list in part because it is a center for marine stocks. The company offered shares on Singapore's second board at 95 Singapore cents each. At yesterday's close, the stock is 38% above its level on April 18, its first day of trading. Over the same period, the Straits Times Index has declined 1.3%.

    Now, the Singapore stock market is relaunching its main benchmark, the Straits Times Index, to boost credibility with global investors, through a switch to the FTSE's selection criteria. The new index, which kicks off Jan. 10, will comprise 30 leading blue-chip companies ranked by market capitalization; Yangzijiang's market cap is about S$4 billion. The same day will see the debut of the FTSE ST China index, a China-play index made up of companies listed in Singapore that have a significant proportion of Chinese ownership.

    "Some funds track whatever goes into the benchmark indices," says fund manager Nicholas Yeo at Aberdeen Asset Management.

    As part of the new FTSE ST China index, Yangzijiang could also attract from China's Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor funds, which can invest in certain overseas-listed companies.

    "If QDII funds do flow into Singapore, they will probably end up in larger, more liquid stocks like Yangzijiang," says Credit Suisse analyst Haider Ali, who on Nov. 30 began coverage of Yangzijiang with an "outperform" rating and a 12-month target of S$2.45.

    Mr. Yeo says the index's inclusion of Yangzijiang "will provide initial interest, but it's about the fundamentals after that."

    Based on Credit Suisse forecasts, Yangzijiang trades at 18 times its projected 2008 earnings, while Cosco is about 21 times and Keppel Corp. of Singapore, which has more rig-building than shipbuilding intrests, 13.5 times. Credit Suisse expects Yangzijiang's earnings to more than double next year, while Cosco's would increase 86% and those of Keppel rise 15%.

    With its big order book, Yangzijiang will be under pressure to handle a steep ramp-up in deliveries. There are also risks outside the company's control, such as raw-materials prices, particularly for steel. But analysts say these should be manageable.

    Mr. Ali expects that the recent launch of a new yard in the Chinese city of Jingjiang in Jiangsu province, funded with the proceeds of the initial public offering, will further bolster Yangzijiang's order book. "Essentially they have been getting most orders in the container segment. Now, with the new yard, they will get bulk orders too," he predicts.

    The new yard has 1,200 meters of deepwater coastline, compared with 719 meters at the company's original shipyard in Jiangyin, China. The yard was completed in October, four months ahead of schedule, something that UBS analyst Hubert Tang sees as a coup for the company.

    "In view of the current shopping spree by ship owners and operators, we believe this is a particularly positive development," he says. Mr. Tang has a "buy" on the shares and has raised his 12-month target price to S$2.80 from S$2.43 on anticipation of higher profit margins and more ship deliveries.

    The new yard will let Yangzijiang add deliveries for 2009 and 2010. Those are ships for which the company should be able to charge a big premium, given the current tightness in the shipping market.

  4. 证监会暗停地产IPO 叫停A股再融资
    2007年12月20日 19:50:14 中财网














      《财经时报》还了解到,总的精神中,暂停受理A股再融资方案的申报材料也是此次证监会 "窗口指导"的重要内容,其中包括增发、配股、发债等。













  5. 2007年12月20日






  6. Bay Area home sales stuck at two-decade low; price picture mixed

    December 20, 2007

    La Jolla, CA.----The Bay Area's housing market remained in a bit of deep freeze in November, when sluggish demand kept sales at a two-decade low for the third straight month. Prices continued to hold up best in the region's core markets, while some outlying areas posted more double-digit annual declines, a real estate information service reported.

    A total of 5,127 new and resale houses and condos sold in the Bay Area in November. That was down 6.5 percent from 5,486 in October, and down 36.2 percent from 8,042 in November 2006, DataQuick Information Systems reported.

    Sales have decreased on a year-over-year basis for 34 consecutive months. Last month was the slowest November in DataQuick's statistics, which go back to 1988. Until last month, the slowest November was in 1990, when 6,015 homes sold. The strongest November, in 2004, saw 11,906 sales. The average for the month is 8,367.

    "This fall's sharp decline in jumbo-loan financing continued to weigh heavily on Bay Area home sales, though we do see evidence the problem has stabilized. The percent of all transactions financed with jumbo mortgages increased slightly in November for the first time since the credit crunch hit in August. We expect sales to pick up at least modestly as the price and availability of jumbo loans improves," said Marshall Prentice, DataQuick president.

    The percent of all Bay Area home purchases financed with jumbo loans, or those exceeding $417,000, rose to 44.1 percent in November. That?s up from 42.6 percent of purchases in October but still well below normal. In the first seven months of this year, before the credit crunch, 62 percent of all Bay Area purchases were jumbo-financed.

    The number of homes purchased with conforming loans (up to $417,000) fell 12 percent in November compared with a year ago, while jumbo-loan purchases fell 58 percent from last year.

    The median price paid for a Bay Area home was $629,000 last month, down 0.3 percent from $631,000 in October, and up 1.5 percent from $620,000 in November last year. Last month?s median was 5.4 percent lower than the peak median of $665,000 reached last June and July.

    Prices in the core metro markets close to large job centers or the coast are holding up relatively well, while areas far from the core are experiencing the most price erosion. Individual counties have seen their median prices decline from peak levels by as little as 2.4 percent in San Francisco and by as much as 21.9 percent in Solano.

    In some cases those price declines appear to be stoking more sales, especially within the new-home market. In Solano County, for example, new home sales rose nearly 19 percent between October and November. The county's new-home median price is down almost 15 percent on a year-over-year basis and is 22 percent off its peak.

    DataQuick, a subsidiary of Vancouver-based MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates, monitors real estate activity nationwide and provides information to consumers, educational institutions, public agencies, lending institutions, title companies and industry analysts. Due to late data availability, the November statistics for Alameda County were extrapolated from the first three weeks of the month.

    The typical monthly mortgage payment that Bay Area buyers committed themselves to paying was $2,964 last month, down from $3,000 the previous month, and up from $2,883 a year ago. Adjusted for inflation, current payments are 13.3 percent above typical payments in the spring of 1989, the peak of the prior real estate cycle. They are 10.7 percent below the current cycle's peak in June last year.

    Indicators of market distress continue to move in different directions. Foreclosure activity is at record levels, financing with adjustable-rate mortgages and with multiple mortgages have dropped sharply. Down payment sizes and flipping rates are stable, and non-owner occupied buying activity has edged up, DataQuick reported.
