Thursday 20 December 2007

Chinese fund takes $5bn Morgan Stanley stake


  1. Morgan Stanley on Wednesday said it had sold a $5bn stake to China’s new sovereign wealth fund and revealed that a total of $9.4bn in mortgage-related writedowns had driven it to a fourth-quarter loss, leading its chief executive John Mack to forgo his bonus for 2007.

    The bank said it had been forced to write off a further $5.7bn, on top of a previously announced $3.7bn charge already taken on its holdings of troubled structured credit products in the quarter.

    The deepening problems in the credit markets helped drive Morgan Stanley to a net loss of $3.59bn, or $3.61 a share, compared with a profit of $1.54bn a year ago. The company said it had negative revenue of $450m, down from $7.85bn a year earlier. Analysts had expected 39 cents of loss on positive revenues of $4.23bn.

    The writedowns came because of “continued deterioration and lack of liquidity in the market for subprime and other mortgage related securities since August 2007”, it said.

    Mr Mack added: “The writedown Morgan Stanley took this quarter is deeply disappointing. Ultimately, accountability for our results rests with me, so I’ve told our compensation committee that I will not accept a bonus for 2007.” Last year Mr Mack was awarded $40m in restricted stock and options.

    He said the writedown stemmed from “losses by a small trading team in one part of the firm”.

    In order to “bolster” its capital position, the bank said it would issue about $5bn in new capital with mandatory conversion into stock to China Investment Corporation, a $200bn fund. In return CIC will be able to convert the investment into a stake of up to 9.9 per cent, but will remain a passive investor, with no role in managing the company.

    CIC’s investment is the latest in a series of stake-building moves in Wall Street firms by Chinese groups. In June CIC bought a $3bn stake in Blackstone Group during the private-equity firm’s initial public offering, while Bear Stearns in October agreed a deal with Citic Securities, China’s largest listed brokerage, that will see the two groups invest $1bn in each other.

    Among other significant foreign investments, Citigroup said last month it had taken a $7.5bn capital infusion from a fund owned by the Abu Dhabi government to shore up its capital after $11bn in writedowns on mortgage investments.

    Morgan Stanley said that $7.8bn of its losses came from subprime trading positions. It also had $1.2bn of writedowns related to European non-conforming loans, commercial mortgage backed securities, alt-A mortgages and other loans.

    The bank said that at the end of the quarter on November 30 it had $1.8bn in exposure to subprime, down from $10.4bn in August.

    Losses in its fixed income unit from the bets on the mortgage markets that went wrong were partially offset by stronger revenues from its equity trading segment, and higher fees in its investment banking advisory and wealth management services.

    Shares in Morgan Stanley rose 0.25 per cent to $48.19 in pre market trading.

  2. Morgan Stanley Posts Loss, Sells Stake to China

    Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Morgan Stanley reported a steeper- than-forecast loss after $9.4 billion of writedowns on mortgage- related holdings and received a $5 billion cash infusion from state-controlled China Investment Corp.

    John Mack, chief executive officer of the second-largest U.S. securities firm, called the $3.56 billion fourth-quarter loss “deeply disappointing” and will forgo a bonus for the year, the company said today in a statement. Morgan Stanley rose 1.5 percent to $48.79 at 9:45 a.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading.

    Mack’s strategy of expanding in mortgages and making bigger trading bets backfired as losses from securities linked to home loans more than doubled in November. He ousted Co-President Zoe Cruz, who had overseen the fixed-income unit responsible for the mortgage trades, last month and promoted James Gorman and Walid Chammah, who previously ran wealth management and the New York- based firm’s European operations.

    “There was a huge risk management failure here,” said Steve Roukis, who helps oversee $1.8 billion at Matrix Asset Advisors Inc. in New York, including Morgan Stanley shares. “You’re going to see a broad undertaking by the Street to have more diversification and more hedging of all positions.”

    The loss of $3.61 a share in the three months ended Nov. 30 compares with net income of $1.98 billion, or $1.87, a year earlier. Analysts were estimating a loss of 39 cents, according to a survey by Bloomberg. The loss was the first since the company went public in 1986.

    Cash Infusions

    Morgan Stanley joined competitors including Merrill Lynch & Co., Citigroup Inc., Bear Stearns Cos. and Zurich-based UBS AG in booking losses on investments in securities, such as collateralized debt obligations, that contain subprime home loans.

    Citigroup and UBS also received cash infusions from outside investors to shore up capital. Bear Stearns sold a six percent stake to China’s government-controlled Citic Securities Co. for $1 billion in October. Bear Stearns said it would invest the same amount in Citic.

    China Investment, the nation’s sovereign wealth fund, will acquire as much as 9.9 percent of Morgan Stanley, making it the company’s second-largest shareholder after Boston-based State Street Corp., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The fund is buying securities that convert into Morgan Stanley shares and pay annual interest of 9 percent. China Investment won’t get a seat on the board or play a role in management, Morgan Stanley said in the statement.

    ‘Pay for Performance’

    For the full year, Morgan Stanley’s revenue fell 6 percent to $28 billion from $29.8 billion and net income decreased 60 percent to $2.56 billion.

    Return on equity, a measure of how effectively the firm reinvests earnings, dropped to 7.8 percent from 23.8 percent in 2006. Goldman Sachs Group Inc., which reported a record profit yesterday, said its return on equity was 32.7 percent in 2007.

    “Accountability for our results rests with me,” Mack said in the statement. “I believe in pay for performance, so I’ve told our compensation committee that I will not accept a bonus for 2007.”

    Mack reaped a $40 million bonus in 2006, the biggest ever paid to a Morgan Stanley CEO.

    Morgan Stanley is the third of Wall Street’s largest firms to post results for the fiscal quarter that ended Nov. 30. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., the fourth-biggest by market value, reported last week that profit dropped 12 percent, the second consecutive decline, and said losses from the collapse of the subprime mortgage market will probably extend into next year.

    Subprime Fallout

    Goldman, the biggest U.S. securities firm, reported fourth- quarter earnings yesterday of $3.22 billion on higher revenue from investment banking, stock trading and gains from selling power plants.

    Morgan Stanley said its fixed income sales and trading group recorded a net loss of $7.9 billion in the fourth quarter, after the writedowns, which included $7.8 billion for subprime- related losses. The remainder stemmed from a decline in the value of loans, commercial mortgage-backed securities, and so- called Alt-A mortgage securities.

    “Our assumptions included what at the time was deemed to be a worst-case scenario,” said Colm Kelleher, the firm’s chief financial officer, in a phone interview today. “History has proven that that worst-case scenario was not the worst case.”

    Kelleher said conditions in the credit markets “clearly got worse” after September.

    Credit Drag

    “The credit environment remains challenged, it will take several quarters to return to more normal markets,” he said. “Credit is going to be a drag on the fixed-income business going forward for the next few quarters.”

    Equity sales and trading revenue climbed 72 percent to $2.5 billion and investment banking revenue rose 4 percent to almost $1.6 billion.

    Revenue at the global wealth management unit, still overseen by Gorman, increased 23 percent to $1.8 billion and pretax profit advanced 124 percent to $378 million. Asset management, run by Owen Thomas, reported a 9.7 percent gain in pretax profit, to $294 million.

    Morgan Stanley dropped 29 percent this year in New York Stock Exchange composite trading through yesterday, the worst annual decline since 2001.

    The company ranks second after Goldman among the world’s biggest advisers on mergers and acquisitions announced in 2007, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The firm advised on $42.2 billion of takeovers completed during the fiscal fourth quarter, more than double a year earlier.

    ‘Increasing Caution’

    Kelleher said the firm’s pipeline of merger assignments was unchanged from the previous two quarters.

    “We are seeing increasing caution” in conversations with the firm’s investment-banking clients, he said.

    In equity underwriting, Morgan Stanley managed $14.1 billion of offerings during the quarter, up from $13.6 billion a year earlier, Bloomberg data show.

    Morgan Stanley said in October that it was eliminating 900 jobs, mostly in the mortgage units. The firm said Nov. 7 that investments in subprime mortgages and related securities lost $3.7 billion of value in September and October.

    “Conditions have deteriorated,” said William Fitzpatrick, who helps oversee $1.7 billion, including Morgan Stanley shares, as a financial-services analyst at Optique Capital Management in Racine, Wisconsin. “It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”

  3. 一个有趣的故事:



    If :

    Zombie = 大弟子 (Kateks Die Pain! Pain!)
    Guanyu = 二弟子 (I call a spade a spade. I call a short seller a short seller, a long buyer a long buyer. No katek or panjiang)


  4. 2007-12-19

    中国联通(600050), China Unicom (0762.HK)



    根据中国通信标准化协会网站的资料显示,该25项标准中的20项标准内容都与TD-SCDMA的HSDPA技术有关,还有2项标准内容涉及到另外两种3G标准WCDMA和CDMA2000。 同时有消息称,广州3G网最快将于下月商用,全国TD试验网已完成80%。


  5. 20 December 2007

    China Doubles Subsidies for Pig Farmers in Bid to End Meat Shortage, Cool Inflation

    BEIJING (AP) -- China is promising to double subsidies for pig farmers to boost pork production and cool an inflation surge blamed on food shortages, a state news agency reported Thursday.

    The announcement adds to a string of efforts to end shortages of pork -- China's staple meat -- and other basic items that pushed food price inflation in November to a monthly rate of 18.2 percent.

    The Cabinet agreed Wednesday to pay farmers a subsidy of 100 yuan ($13) for each fertile sow next year, double this year's rate, the Xinhua News Agency said.

    The move is meant to "ensure adequate market supply and stabilize food prices," Xinhua said.

    The Cabinet also promised to spend 2.5 billion yuan ($300 million) next year to help breeders build "standardized, large-scale" pig farms, the report said.

    China's pork production fell sharply this summer due to high feed costs and an outbreak of blue-ear disease that prompted the government to destroy thousands of animals.

    Beijing earlier promised pig farmers free vaccinations and other aid, and ordered banks to extend them credit.

    Other measures announced Wednesday included ending rebates of export taxes on wheat, corn and other grains. The step appeared to be intended to push Chinese producers to sell more of their output at home, reducing pressure on prices.

    The government plans to release part of its corn reserves onto the market to curb rising prices, Xinhua said.

  6. 一个有趣的故事; also reminds me of another one...









    还有一次,曹操欲派曹植带兵出征。带兵出征是掌握军权的象征 ,是曹操重点培养的征兆,曹丕得到消息,当然很为 恼火,怎么办呢?曹丕想得一个毒计,事先带着好酒好菜,跟曹植一起喝酒,灌得曹植酩酊大醉,曹操派人来传曹植,连催几次,曹植仍昏睡不醒,曹操一气之下取消了曹植带兵的决定。





    封建时代这种兄弟之间的争权夺利自相残杀现象是社会制度的必然结果,在那权力即一切的社会制度里,不择手段的争夺权力似乎是很正常的。推翻帝 制,建立民主共和,少了多少兄弟相残的悲剧。然而,特权不除,“七步诗”还是免不了有人来作。
