Sunday 16 December 2007

Strange rumbles, or was that...

1 comment:

  1. >THE room is dirty, I told the hotel receptionist.

    He didn't get me.

    "Dirty? We'll get housekeeping to clean it right away," he replied.

    "No, the room is 'dirty'," I repeated, giving him a look I hoped would make him understand. He didn't.

    After the manager was called in, I tried to explain again.

    "The room is dirty, as in haunted," I told them and instantly felt silly for saying it.

    I'm a cynic and I've never had an encounter with spooks until that incident in Bangkok two years ago.

    Whenever people told me about their experiences of feeling something suffocate them in their sleep, I always thought it was more of a posture problem than anything else.

    Until I experienced it myself.


    My friend and I had checked into the cheapest hotel we could find for a short shopping trip to Bangkok.

    I thought it odd that the room's windows were all boarded up on the inside but shrugged it off as merely getting what we paid for.

    It did however, give the room a rather eerie feel.

    That night, I had the worst sleeping experience of my life.

    In the wee hours of the morning, I felt a heavy weight pressing on my chest and neck and constricting my breathing.

    I also felt the skin of my neck being stretched as though it was pulled outwards.

    It was painful and uncomfortable. I could breathe, but barely.

    I let out a yell, but no sound came out.

    Petrified, I yelled even louder, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting up in bed and my shouts had awoken my friend.

    I was shaken, but I didn't know what to make of it.

    As a precaution, we decided to change rooms anyway.

    The next night, stranger things started happening in the new room.

    At first, the room was quiet.

    Then, after about an hour, we heard a low rumble which grew into a piercing screech before suddenly stopping.

    The sound would come on every few minutes, sounding creepier each time.

    We couldn't figure out where it was coming from, except that it came from our room.

    But we convinced ourselves that it was the plumbing and went to bed.

    Eventually, the annoying sounds stopped.

    Now that memories of the incident have faded somewhat, it seems possible that everything that happened was just my imagination gone into overdrive.

    But, when I hear stories from friends who have been to the hotel and had equally bizarre experiences, I'm not so sure...
