Sunday 16 December 2007

Man punched, slammed by drunk US sailor


  1. COMMUNICATIONS manager K.M. Ho was looking for a parking lot at an open air carpark beside Wheelock Place on Friday night when someone suddenly banged on the back of his car.

    Puzzled, the 36-year-old got out, only to be punched in the face and have himself slammed twice onto two cars by an American sailor reeking of alcohol.

    The assault left Mr Ho with a facial wound which needed four stitches, internal bleeding in his left eye and lacerations on his nose.

    His brand new $500 spectacles were shattered and his SUV had a 10-cm dent on the left from the impact of him being flung onto his car.

    The sailor fled when some passers-by shouted at him. A few of them gave chase but did not catch him.

    One of them, undergraduate Lim Jiaqi, 21, said the sailor had disturbed others in the carpark minutes before attacking Mr Ho.

    Said Mr Lim: 'The same man had rushed into a woman's car when she was loading groceries into her trunk. He locked himself in and refused to get out. Some people at a nearby pub had to drag him out of the car.'

    The sailor was described as big-sized and at least 1.8 metres tall. He was wearing two layers of loose-fitting T-shirts and bermudas.

    From the description provided, the officers tracked down the man, who was still in the vicinity, and took him to the police station.

    Mr Ho was taken to the Singapore General Hospital in an ambulance.

    But what happened later got Mr Ho fuming mad.

    'I was asked to go to Tanglin police station to identify my assailant. As soon as I identified the sailor, he was brought away by the American navy police. He left earlier than me!' he said.

  2. What else does Singapore government and Police do for Singaporean? Bully them and make them Pay And Pay.

  3. Abuse of authority by Singapore Bus Service Traffic Wardens

  4. The suspect was taken away by officers from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), a group of law enforcement officers who 'protect' members of the United States Navy and Marine Corps.

    The NCIS has a field office in Singapore but it declined to reveal details about the suspect or what action it would take.

    Mr Ho, on the other hand, reached home at only 5.30am, after a two-hour-long interview by a police officer to record his statement.

    The police said they questioned the suspect but did not arrest him because the alleged offence - voluntarily causing hurt - is not a seizable one.

    A police spokesman said: 'The complainant was advised to lodge a magistrate's complaint should he wish to pursue the case against the defendant.'

    Singapore plays host to several US logistic facilities. US Navy personnel by the shipload often throng Orchard Road and major tourist spots whenever American warships make port visits here.

    Mr Ho said NCIS officer Ayren M. Jacobs told him that he would meet him today to follow up on investigations into the alleged assault.

    Mr Ho said: 'I just want justice.'

  5. Hope you keep this post up. Seems to be a news blackout on this. Couldn't find anything in google news world or singapore and almost nothing in google web also.
    Btw, what is the outcome of this?

  6. I am not too hopeful of any fair outcome. Singapore government still has the colonial mentality. She's good at bullying her own people but willing to kiss the ang moh's ass.
