Saturday 22 April 2017

Inside the shadowy world of Chinese militants fighting in Syria

The Muslim fighters are known for their ferocity in battle and remain separate from the communities they operate in, witnesses say


  1. Inside the shadowy world of Chinese militants fighting in Syria

    The Muslim fighters are known for their ferocity in battle and remain separate from the communities they operate in, witnesses say

    Associated Press
    22 April 2017

    Many do not speak Arabic and their role in Syria is little known to the outside world, but the Chinese fighters of the Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria are organised, battled hardened and have been instrumental in ground offensives against President Bashar Assad’s forces in the country’s northern regions.

    Thousands of Chinese jihadis have come to Syria since the country’s civil war began in March 2011 to fight against government forces and their allies. Some have joined the al-Qaida’s branch in the country previously known as the Nusra Front. Others pay allegiance to the Islamic State group and a smaller number joined factions such as the ultra-conservative Ahrar al-Sham.

    But the majority of Chinese jihadis are with the Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria, mainly Muslims from the Turkic-speaking Uygur majority native to China’s Xinjiang region. Their growing role in Syria has resulted in increased cooperation between Syrian and Chinese intelligence agencies who fear the jihadis could one day return home.

    The Turkistan Islamic Party is the other name for the East Turkistan Islamic Movement which considers China’s Xinjiang to be East Turkistan.

    Like most jihadi groups in Syria, their aim is to remove Assad’s secular government from power and replace it with strict Islamic rule. Their participation in the war, which has left nearly 400,000 people dead, comes at a time when the Chinese government is one of Assad’s strongest international backers. Along with Russia, China has used its veto power at the UN Security Council on several occasions to prevent the imposition of international sanctions against its Arab ally.

    Beijing has blamed violence back at home and against Chinese targets around the world on Islamic militants with foreign connections seeking an independent state in Xinjiang. The government says some of them are fleeing the country to join the jihad, although critics say some Uygurs are discriminated against and economically marginalised in their homeland and are merely seeking to escape repressive rule by the majority Han Chinese.

    Abu Dardaa al-Shami, a member of the now-defunct extremist Jund al-Aqsa group, said the Turkistan Islamic Party were known for their prowess in infiltrating targets and unleashing mayhem by fighting to the death before a major ground offensive begins.

    “They are the lions of ground offensives,” said al-Shami, who fought on several occasions alongside Chinese fighters in northern Syria.

    A screen grab from a video provided in August last year by the Turkistan Islamic Party showing what appears to be a Chinese militant preparing to fire a missile during a battle against Syrian government forces in Aleppo. Photo: Associated Press

    Xie Xiaoyuan, China’s envoy to Syria, told reporters in November that the two countries have had normal military exchanges focused on humanitarian issues, although Chinese officials have repeatedly rejected the possibility of sending troops or weapons.

    In the last year, however, Chinese and Syrian officials have begun holding regular, once-a-month high-level meetings to share intelligence on militant movements in Syria, according to a person familiar with the matter. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to reveal military secrets.

    “These people not only fight alongside international terrorist forces in Syria, but also they will possibly return to China posing a threat to China’s national security,” said Li Wei, a terrorism expert at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.

  2. Rami Abdurrahman who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said there were about 5,000 Chinese fighters in Syria, most of them with Turkistan Islamic Party fighters in northern Syria who, along with their families, make up about 20,000. Li, the terrorism expert, said Abdurrahman’s numbers were way too high, adding he believes the number to be about 300 Chinese fighters in Syria who brought with them about 700 family members.

    “As the control of the passage along the borders between Turkey and Syria is being tightened, it is becoming more difficult for them to smuggle into Syria,” Li said.

    Syrian opposition activists and pro-government media outlets say dozens of Turkistan Islamic Party fighters have carried out suicide attacks against government forces and their allies and for the past two years have led battles mostly in the north of the country.

    The suicide attackers include one known as Shahid Allah al-Turkistani. He was shown in a video released by the militants taken from a drone of an attack in which he blew himself up in the vehicle he was driving near Aleppo late last year, allegedly killing dozens of pro-government gunmen. [A file image from a militant video showing Islamic State fighters during a battle against government forces in eastern Syria. Photo: Associated Press]

    A file image from a militant video showing Islamic State fighters during a battle against government forces in eastern Syria. Photo: Associated Press

    Members of the group spearheaded an attack on the northwestern province of Idlib two years ago and captured the strategic town of Jisr al-Shughour on the edge of Assad’s stronghold of Latakia region. They reportedly damaged a church in the town and raised their black flag on top of it.

    The Chinese militants were a main force to briefly break a government siege on the then rebel-held eastern parts of the northern city of Aleppo last year.

    The role of the Chinese jihadis in Syria was a topic that Assad spoke about last month in an interview with Chinese Phoenix TV, saying “they know your country more than the others, so they can do more harm in your country than others”.

    Unlike other rebel groups, the Turkistan Islamic Party is a very secretive organisation and they live among themselves, according to activists in northern Syria. They are active in parts of Idlib and in the strategic town of Jisr al-Shughour, as well as the Kurdish Mountains in the western province of Latakia.

    Abdul-Hakim Ramadan, a doctor who was active in Idlib province, said one of his teams was trying to enter a northwestern village to vaccinate children when Chinese militant fighters prevented them from entering, saying only Chinese can go into the area.

    Ramadan said unlike other fighters who have come to Syria, the Chinese have not merged into local communities and the language has been a major barrier.
