Wednesday 23 March 2016

On South China Sea islet, Taiwan argues Philippines case is far from watertight

On Itu Aba, in the Spratly archipelago of the South China Sea, Taiwanese coast guard officials proudly haul a small wooden bucket of water from one of several simple concrete wells on the coral outcrop.


  1. On South China Sea islet, Taiwan argues Philippines case is far from watertight

    23 March 2016

    On Itu Aba, in the Spratly archipelago of the South China Sea, Taiwanese coast guard officials proudly haul a small wooden bucket of water from one of several simple concrete wells on the coral outcrop.

    The water, clear and sweet tasting, is key to Taiwan's argument that Itu Aba is legally the only island among the hundreds of reefs, shoals and atolls scattered across the hotly disputed region.

    Itu Aba, which the Taiwanese call Taiping, is coming into focus as the Philippines challenges the legality of China's claims to most of the South China Sea.

    As part of a case now being considered by an international court in The Hague, the Philippines has argued that no feature in the Spratlys could be legally considered islands because they lack the ability to sustain human habitation or economic life.

    But if Itu Aba is determined to be an island it is entitled to a 200 nautical mile (370 km) exclusive economic zone under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

    Such a ruling would complicate territorial disputes across the vital trade route and resource rich region, where Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei also have claims.

    The Philippines presented its case to the judges' panel of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in November and a ruling is expected in the next few months.


    China has refused to participate in the case, saying it is invalid and the panel has no jurisdiction. Taiwan, which China deems is a breakaway province, is not a member of the UN and not a signatory to UNCLOS.

    Taipei is instead waging a propaganda campaign on Itu Aba, including a high-profile visit by President Ma Ying-jeou in January and Wednesday's first ever visit by international journalists.

    The group, which included Taiwanese journalists and local scholars, were shown vegetable gardens and plantations of coconuts, sweet potatoes and papayas.

    Along with scores of chickens, the gardens provide food for the almost 200 people who live there, mainly coast guard personnel, Taiwan officials said.

    Serviced by a 1,200m airstrip, other features on Itu Aba include a hospital, solar generators, a temple, wharf and a lighthouse.

    While Taiwan has occupied the 46 hectare (110 acre) outcrop almost 2,000 km south of Taipei for decades, China, the Philippines and Vietnam also claim it.

    Wang Mao-lin, a senior coast guard official, said Chinese fishing vessels and Vietnamese fishing vessels are sometimes seen in the seas around Itu Aba.


    Tensions in the region have been on the rise, with Beijing and Washington trading accusations that the other is militarising the region as China expands its reclamation and construction activities on several reefs while the United States undertakes more freedom of navigation patrols and overflights.

    On Tuesday, China's foreign ministry said Philippines fishermen threw fire bombs at Chinese law enforcement vessels at another disputed part of the South China Sea.

    Under the relevant international law, islands must be able to "sustain human habitation or economic life of their own".

    Other features are classed as "rocks", which can claim 12 nautical miles of territorial waters, and "low tide elevations"which can claim neither.

    Appearing before the judges last November, the Philippines'side questioned the quality and quantity of water on Itu Aba, and said no Spratlys holding had ever been home to an indigenous population.

    Military garrisons, supplied from the outside, did not count, they said.

    Independent legal scholars and experts told Reuters that Itu Aba could prove a potential sticking point in the broader case.

    "For decades, the combined wisdom among scholars studying the South China Sea is that Itu Aba is the only island in the Spratlys," said Ian Storey, a regional security expert at Singapore's ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute.

  2. The limits of UNCLOS mean the judges cannot rule on sovereignty, but instead on the entitlements from certain features and the rights of the Philippines within its own economic zone. A ruling would be binding, but difficult to enforce.

    A source close to the Philippines' side said Manila's legal team was aware that the status of Itu Aba was one of the thornier parts of the case.

    "We've asked the tribunal to determine the nature and character of the different features in the South China Sea so it's up to the tribunal to decide on this issue," Charles Jose, a Philippines foreign ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.
