Friday 27 February 2015

Film-maker files police report against MP Lam Pin Min

He accuses Lam Pin Min of making racially seditious comments online

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  1. Film-maker files police report against MP

    He accuses Lam Pin Min of making racially seditious comments online

    Rachel Chang
    26 February 2015

    Police are looking into a report made by film-maker Martyn See against People’s Action Party (PAP) MP Lam Pin Min, whom Mr See has accused of making racially seditious comments.

    Dr Lam posted on his Facebook page earlier this month about three Singaporean men who were arrested at Thaipusam celebrations on Feb 3 for various offences. These included disorderly conduct and voluntarily causing hurt to a police officer.

    Linking to a blog post that has since been deleted, Dr Lam wrote: “An example of how alcohol intoxication can cause rowdiness and public nuisance.”

    In his police report yesterday, Mr See charged that these comments “distorted an allegation by the police into a statement of fact”.

    A police statement on the trio’s arrest said that “all three men were believed to have been drinking earlier as they smelt strongly of alcohol”.

    But, Mr See said, this has yet to be established by the authorities as fact and the three men have not yet been tried.

    In saying that the three were intoxicated while participating in the holy festival of Thaipusam, Dr Lam incited enmity towards the Hindu community, he charged.

    The police yesterday confirmed a report has been made and told The Straits Times they are “looking into the matter”.

    Mr See also complained in his police report that Dr Lam’s comments “caused ill will and hostility between different races and communities. The responses on his Facebook page show overwhelming hostility to his remark. Yet, he has allowed his offending words to remain online”.

    He added that Dr Lam breached the sub judice rule, as judicial proceedings in this case have yet to be completed.

    Dr Lam, MP for Sengkang West, could not be reached for comment.
