Tuesday 3 September 2013

Anti-graft agency website lets public file complaints

People can fill out online form anonymously, detailing their suspicions about officials

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  1. Anti-graft agency website lets public file complaints

    People can fill out online form anonymously, detailing their suspicions about officials

    Li Jing
    03 September 2013

    The national anti-graft watchdog yesterday launched its official website, which allows citizens to send information they have about corrupt officials.

    While the website might enhance the transparency of the anti-corruption agency - known for its opaque internal interrogations or shuanggui, analysts said it needed to be more open in how it handled tip-offs and complaints in order to win the public’s confidence.

    The website, jointly operated by the party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and its corresponding government agency, the Ministry of Supervision, allows the public to report their suspicions about government officials, either anonymously or by using their real names.

    Informants preferring to remain anonymous need only complete an online form giving the name and rank of the officials. But submissions from people who give their names would be given priority, the website said.

    Tips about local-level officials will be directed to disciplinary commissions in the areas where they work. Reports about central government officials will be handled directly by the CCDI. Informants can monitor the results of their tip-offs online.

    The top item of the website’s “News” section yesterday was about Jiang Jiemin, head of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, who is under investigation for disciplinary violations.

    Information about disgraced officials including former Chongqing kingpin Bo Xilai, whose five-day trial ended last week, and former railways minister Liu Zhijun is also on the website.

    Wang Qishan, head of the CCDI, and his deputy, yesterday visited the operators of the website at www.ccdi.gov.cn

    Professor Li Chengyan, Peking University’s leading researcher of corruption, noted the website’s launch came as the nation’s anti-graft campaign gathered momentum.

    The public are turning more to social media, such as weibo accounts, to level charges against officials. Online informants have brought down several high-profile figures such as Liu Tienan, former director of the National Energy Bureau and deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission.

    But Li also cautioned the website could become “a mere formality” if anti-graft bodies did not handle the tip-offs in an open manner.

    “First of all, it is necessary to let more people know about this website,” Li said. “Also, anti-graft bodies should publish on the website information about who has been reported on and what the results are of the investigation into these officials.”
