Thursday 1 August 2013

What your favourite ice cream flavour says about you

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  1. What your favourite ice cream flavour says about you


    If your favourite flavour is Vanilla, you’re more likely to be impulsive, easily suggestible and an idealist. Vanilla lovers rely on secure romantic relationships to redirect their energies toward realistic, obtainable goals.


    If your favourite flavour is Chocolate, you’re more likely to be dramatic, lively, charming, flirtatious, seductive and gullible. You prefer passion and excitement in your romantic relationships, and require a lot of attention from your mate.


    If your favourite flavour is Strawberry, you’re more likely to be tolerant, devoted and an introvert. In relationships, strawberry fans are often characterised as shy and reserved. Although they don't fall head-over-heels in love at first sight, once they do commit to a relationship, they are loyal and supportive.

    Mint Chocolate Chip

    If your favourite flavour is Mint Chocolate Chip, you’re more likely to be argumentative, frugal and cautious. While their stubbornness aids them in business, it adds a challenging element to romantic relationships.

    Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

    If your favourite flavour is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, you’re more likely to be ambitious, competitive and a visionary.

    Pralines ‘n Cream

    If your favourite flavour is Pralines ‘n Cream, you’re more likely to be loving, supportive and prefer to avoid the spotlight.


    If your favourite flavour is Coffee, you’re more likely to be scrupulous, conscientious and a moral perfectionist.

    Chocolate Chip

    If your favourite flavour is Chocolate Chip, you’re more likely to be generous, competent and a go-getter.

    Rainbow Sherbet

    If your favourite flavour is Rainbow Sherbet, you’re more likely to be analytic, decisive and a pessimistic.

    Rocky Road

    If your favourite flavour is Rocky Road, you’re more likely to be aggressive, engaging and a good listener. A tip for those in a relationship with a rocky road lover: Despite their success, they are very sensitive to minor slights and respond best to encouragement rather than criticism.

    Butter Pecan

    If your favourite flavour is Butter Pecan, you're devoted, conscientious, and respectful. Butter pecan fans fear hurting the feelings of others and must be encouraged to express their deepest thoughts.
