Tuesday 3 July 2012

New Zealand teacher throws 5-year-old girl into pool

Another day, another laowai douchebag causing a commotion. A Kiwi teacher working at the Shandong University of Finance and Economics has caused outrage for throwing a 5-year-old girl into the swimming pool when he thought nobody was watching (!!!). The full name of the teacher is unknown, but his surname has been given in Chinese media reports as Phillips.

1 comment:

  1. New Zealand teacher throws 5-year-old girl into pool

    Another day, another laowai douchebag causing a commotion. A Kiwi teacher working at the Shandong University of Finance and Economics has caused outrage for throwing a 5-year-old girl into the swimming pool when he thought nobody was watching (!!!). The full name of the teacher is unknown, but his surname has been given in Chinese media reports as Phillips.

    Xu Chi of Shanghai Daily with a summary of the story:

    The incident happened at a hotel swimming pool in Jinan, capital of Shandong Province, on Sunday afternoon, police said.

    The girl's grandmother spotted Phillips holding the five-year-old high above his head and throwing her into the pool, the local Qilu Evening News reported.

    She told the newspaper that a Chinese man immediately rushed to catch the girl to prevent her from drowning.

    She confronted Phillips asking for an explanation but he just cursed the family and made rude gestures toward them, she said. "He was holding his hands in fists, threatening to beat us, but he didn't."

    Phillips told police the girl had run into him and he thought no one was attending to her so he threw her into the water.

    The girl's family has accepted the man's apology, police said yesterday.

    Reports of the incident sparked anger online.

    "He should go back to the country where he came from" was one comment on Weibo.com.

    "It is so ridiculous that such an ill-behaved man is even teaching students in university" was another.

    According to a Xinhua report, Phillip's wife wanted to take him to the girl's family to offer a personal apology, but was turned away by the girl's mother, Mdm Tian, because her grandmother remained in a state of shock.

    Said Mdm Tian, "She cried to us saying her husband was working at the university as a foreign teacher, making a meager monthly salary of just 5,000RMB. He had just had an operation and was short on money. But we refused to retreat -- since he was not detained by police, we had to give him some of punishment."

    It was later agreed that Phillips would offer the family 20,000RMB as compensation.

    A spokesperson with the Shandong University of Finance and Economics confirmed that Phillips was an employee and had just had heart surgery in February.

    "Because of his health condition, we have revoked his foreign expert's certificate. We will not be signing a new contract with him after this," said the spokesman according to the Xinhua report.
