Thursday 28 June 2012

Woman driver strips naked to hinder rescuers after hitting two victims

A woman driver has provoked mass outrage online and been referred to as “female version” of Yao Jiaxin, after she fatally hit a mother and four-year-old daughter in a scooter and then even attempted to stop the medical staff from rescuing the victims by stripping herself naked and lying down in front of the ambulance.

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1 comment:

  1. Woman driver strips naked to hinder rescuers after hitting two victims

    28 June 2012

    A woman driver has provoked mass outrage online and been referred to as “female version” of Yao Jiaxin, after she fatally hit a mother and four-year-old daughter in a scooter and then even attempted to stop the medical staff from rescuing the victims by stripping herself naked and lying down in front of the ambulance.

    The incident occurred at a residential community in Linyi City, Shangdong Province, at around 10:30 a.m. on June 17. When the mother was riding in her scooter back from food market with her little daughter, a speeding car suddenly crashed into them. The driver did not stop her car too after hit, and kept running at full speed to hit other parked cars along the way.

    The eye-witnesses at the residential community called the ambulance immediately. But unexpectedly, by the time when the ambulance arrived on the report, the woman driver, surnamed Zhang, tried to block the ambulance from entering the scene where she had hit the mother and daughter.

    The driver desperately stripped all her clothes off, and lied down on the road. The medical staff had to get off the ambulance and ran to the two victims.

    After the victims were held up to the ambulance, Zhang got up from the ground and snatched the 4-year-old girl from the medics all of sudden to drop her on the ground.

    At the end, with the help of residents around, the insane driver was stopped and the ambulance left for the hospital. Unfortunately, the little girl was pronounced dead in hospital ultimately and the mother was left in critical condition despite of efforts.

    An eye-witness managed to videotape the incident, and uploaded the clip to the Internet which aroused a huge wave of public outcry.

    According to neighbors, Zhang was a lecture from a Shangdong medical college, specializing in traditional Chinese medicine. She appeared emotionally unstable that day, but the victim’s family said she disguised herself as a mad woman at the time.

    The suspect was later arrested by the local police for involuntary manslaughter. But a lawyer believed Zhang’s behavior has constituted indirect intentional homicide.
