Wednesday 27 June 2012

A look at how Hong Kong has changed since 1997

Pretty much the entire fabric of society in Hong Kong has changed since the city and its surrounds returned to Chinese sovereignty 15 years ago, as the following figures show.

1 comment:

  1. A look at how Hong Kong has changed since 1997

    AFP Relax
    27 June 2012

    Pretty much the entire fabric of society in Hong Kong has changed since the city and its surrounds returned to Chinese sovereignty 15 years ago, as the following figures show.

    Population: 1997 - 6.5 million; Now - 7.1 million.

    Expatriate (non-Chinese) population: 1997 - 594,000; Now - 450,516.

    Total number of visitors: 1997 - 10.4 million; 2011 - 41.9 million.

    Visitors from mainland China: 1997 - 2.36 million; 2011 - 28.1 million.

    Average residential rent rate (private housing estate): 1997 - HK$20.85 per sq ft*; Now - HK$21.15 per sq ft.

    Per capita GDP: 1997 - US$26,400; Now - US$34,200.

    Adult ticket on Star Ferry (Central to Kowloon Point, Upper Deck): 1997 - HK$2.20; Now - HK$2.50.
