Thursday 28 June 2012

Crackdown nets 146 officials in Shenzhen

150m yuan in graft is uncovered, 36 high-ranking cadres are among those arrested

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  1. Crackdown nets 146 officials in Shenzhen

    150m yuan in graft is uncovered, 36 high-ranking cadres are among those arrested

    He Huifeng
    28 June 2012

    Shenzhen has released preliminary details on the local impact of a province-wide crackdown on corruption, claiming 146 government officials have been arrested since February on suspicion of involvement in cases of graft totalling 150 million yuan (HK$184 million).

    Delivering an interim report to the standing committee of the city’s people’s congress on Tuesday, vice-mayor Lu Ruifeng said those arrested included 36 high-ranking officials - four at bureau head level and 32 at department head level - according to a report on the Shenzhen government’s official website.

    The crackdown in Guangdong, launched in February, will help provincial Communist Party secretary Wang Yang build up political credit ahead of this autumn’s national party congress, at which he is expected to be a strong contender for promotion to the powerful Politburo Standing Committee.

    Those arrested in Shenzhen include the former directors of several sub-districts, which are home to thousands of factories.

    Shajing sub-district party secretary Liu Shaoxiong was sacked and arrested in February over alleged illegal land sales and links with gangsters. Liu was found to have close links to the head of the Shenzhen branch of Hong Kong’s Sun Yee On triad. With Liu’s support, the gang is alleged to have illegally controlled several industries in Shajing for years, including waste collection, gas supply and real estate development.

    Zhong Huaxing , the head of the city’s Liantang sub-district and a former vice-chairman of the Longgang district branch of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was arrested for taking HK$4.3 million and 2.9 million yuan in bribes between 2002 and 2009, when he was party head of Kengzi sub-district.

    Zhang Qingyuan, former party head of Pingdi sub-district, allegedly made 990,000 yuan between 2007 and last year by selling a large number of state-owned assets at unreasonably low prices.

    Another Guangdong city, Shantou, said on Tuesday that eight of its senior officials had been arrested during the crackdown, including the former chiefs of its transport, public security, urban planning and land agencies.

    Professor Cai Lihui, from Sun Yat-sen University’s school of government, said more cities would release their details soon.

    More than 1,000 party cadres and civil servants across the province have been investigated for graft so far. They include: Xie Pengfei, a former provincial deputy secretary general; Wei Jinfeng, a deputy head of the province’s financial bureau; Li Zhizhen, former director of Guangzhou’s civil affairs bureau; and Wu Huasen, former head of the province’s Bureau of Coal Geology.
