Sunday 17 June 2012

AGC releases statement on Woffles Wu case

The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) released a statement on Sunday morning outlining the reasons behind the charges pursued against Dr. Woffles Wu.

1 comment:

  1. AGC releases statement on Woffles Wu case

    By Tessa Wong
    17 June 2012

    The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) released a statement on Sunday morning outlining the reasons behind the charges pursued against Dr. Woffles Wu.

    Dr. Wu was charged with abetting his employee Mr. Kuan Yit Wah to give false information to the police about the commission of speeding offences in 2005 and 2006.

    The AGC noted that it was Mr. Kuan, not Dr. Wu, who had given the false information to the police. It also said that there was no evidence of Dr. Wu giving payment or gratification to Mr. Kuan.

    Mr. Kuan, who is 82 years old, was given a stern warning. Dr. Wu was fined the maximum $1,000, under the Road Traffic Act.

    The AGC said that Dr. Wu could not have been charged under the Penal Code for intentionally perverting the course of justice, because he committed his offence before the relevant section in the Code was enacted in 2008.

    The charge would be calibrated to reflect the seriousness of the criminal act and situation, said the AGC. It would also depend on whether there was a specific law dealing with the criminal act, or if the prosecution would have to rely on general legislation like the Penal Code.

    As there was no major accident or injury, it was considered appropriate to charge Dr. Wu under the Road Traffic Act, said the AGC, noting that this was how offences of this nature were generally dealt with prior to the Penal Code’s 2008 revision.

    On Saturday, Law Minister K. Shanmugam said that the $1,000 fine appeared to be within the norm of usual sentences. He also noted that Dr. Wu had committed his offence before the Penal Code was tightened.

    He had also refuted the widespread rumour that Dr. Wu got a ‘lenient’ fine because he is wealthy. Mr. Shanmugam said this was factually inaccurate and that nobody is above the law.
