Tuesday 22 May 2012

Beijing orchestra fires abusive Russian cellist

The Beijing Symphony Orchestra has fired a Russian cellist who was caught on camera verbally abusing a female passenger on a train, sparking an online outcry over the behaviour of foreigners in China.

1 comment:

  1. Beijing orchestra fires abusive Russian cellist

    Agence France-Presse in Beijing
    22 May 2012

    The Beijing Symphony Orchestra has fired a Russian cellist who was caught on camera verbally abusing a female passenger on a train, sparking an online outcry over the behaviour of foreigners in China.

    The orchestra said its reputation had been “badly damaged” by the actions of Oleg Vedernikov, who was shown rudely insulting a fellow train passenger who repeatedly asked him to take his feet off the back of her seat.

    The Beijing Symphony Orchestra said in a statement late on Monday it had dismissed Vedernikov.

    “His conduct has severely damaged the orchestra's reputation. We have decided to fire him in accordance with orchestra regulations and the terms of his employment contract,” the orchestra said.

    Vedernikov has apologised over the May 14 incident in a video posted online.

    But this has done little to dampen the controversy over his actions, which came to light shortly after video footage of a British tourist apparently sexually assaulting a Chinese woman in Beijing was posted on the internet.

    The two events have fed into a broader debate over the behaviour of foreigners in China, where many web users on Tuesday welcomed the musician's dismissal.

    His sacking comes after police in Beijing last week launched a 100-day crackdown on foreigners working illegally in the Chinese capital, asking residents of the city to report visa violations.

    There is no suggestion that the cellist was working illegally.
