Sunday 19 February 2012

Some retailers worry buyers will abuse law

Consumers welcome move, but some wonder about its effectiveness


  1. Some retailers worry buyers will abuse law

    Consumers welcome move, but some wonder about its effectiveness

    Jessica Lim
    15 February 2012

    While retailers interviewed yesterday generally welcomed the proposed lemon law, some were worried that they might have problems getting their suppliers to replace defective items.

    Others wondered if there would be a rise in frivolous demands by consumers.

    Mr Jimmy Fong, chief executive of IT chain EpiCentre, which has hundreds of suppliers, said: ‘Us retailers are just middle men. We did not make the lemon after all.

    ‘If the manufacturer does not let us return the product, then it will be tough on us. We would be between a rock and a hard place.’

    The company will be meeting manufacturers to discuss the matter, he said, adding: ‘It is never fair for anyone to buy a lemon. But how can we make sure the law is not abused?’

    A spokesman for Nuance Watson, which sells mostly beauty products and cosmetics at 22 stores here, said it supports the proposed law, but is concerned about consumers bringing back used products and saying they are defective.

    ‘We sell mostly beauty products, so customers may have used the product for some time,’ she said,

    She added that there are also grey areas, such as what defines a defect.

    ‘For things like pumps on a shampoo product not working, it is much clearer, and we will definitely replace the product. It is what good customer service is about,’ she said.

    ‘But what if a customer uses a product and has an allergic reaction to it, for instance?’

    Mr Terry O’Connor, managing director of retailer Courts, felt the proposed law will work to the store’s favour.

    The furniture chain currently has a seven-day no questions asked exchange and refund policy, and the majority of its suppliers carry strong warranties.

    ‘Tightening the law will play to our strengths and filter out the poorer practices of others.

    ‘We import our products and endorse our sources of supply by selling their goods. So, we are responsible to repair and exchange defective products,’ he said, adding that the company will help to make sure the new law is upheld.

    Consumers were naturally happy to hear that the law might soon be ready.

    Bank manager Ling Lee, 40, said she wished the amendments had come sooner. In October last year, she bought a coffee machine for $398, only to have it stop operating when she tried to make her second cup of coffee.

    She claimed the manufacturer refused to refund or exchange the machine for a new one despite several attempts at repairing it. She received a full refund only in January, after she approached the Consumers Association of Singapore (Case).

    ‘I asked the company for a refund many times, but it refused. It told me that it could only do repairs. It was so ridiculous. How could I repair it after each cup of coffee?’ she said.

    ‘Currently, these companies can just get away with selling defective products. I think, in my case, they just hoped that I would give up after some time.’

    Teacher Chan Choon Seng, 42, while glad about the law, wondered how useful it will be: ‘In the end, if the retailer simply refuses to give me a refund or replace the product, what can I do?’ he said. ‘I will still have to haul it to court. It is a start, but only time will tell how useful it really is.’

    Case, which proposed the amendment, received 1,793 complaints on defective products last year, up from 1,753 in 2010 and 1,652 in 2009.

    More than 60 per cent of the defects last year involved mobile phones, furniture and electronic products.

  2. Q & A on the lemon law

    What are the key changes to the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act and Hire Purchase Act?

    Currently, when you land a lemon, the retailer is not obligated to repair, refund or replace the defective product. It can argue its way out and push the blame to other parties.

    The amendments will make sales transactions more transparent and give consumers more avenues of recourse.

    In particular, if a product is found to have a defect within six months of it being bought, the defect is presumed to have been there at the point of sale, and unless the retailer can prove otherwise, the consumer is entitled to the remedy.

    What recourse will consumers have?

    They can ask the seller to repair it, or get a refund or replacement. Currently, retailers can refuse to give a refund or replacement. Most prefer to send the product for repeated repairs.

    Can consumers demand a refund or exchange without getting the product repaired first?

    The retailer has the right to insist on repairing the product first. Retailers, however, may opt to replace the product or give a refund if repairing it is too expensive.

    When can a consumer ask for a defective product to be replaced?

    After at least two attempts by the seller to repair it. But for cars, if the flaw is safety-related, the consumer can seek redress after just one failed attempt at repair.

    Under what conditions would consumers not be entitled to a remedy?

    If they had damaged the item, misused it and caused the defect, or damaged it while trying to repair it themselves or through a third party. Consumers are also not entitled to any remedy if they knew about the fault before buying the product, or simply regretted buying the item.

    Are retailers allowed to replace a consumer’s defective product with a used one?

    The amendments are silent on that. It is up to both parties to decide on an appropriate replacement.

    If a consumer reported the defect within six months of buying the product but a remedy was not reached within that time, has he lost his chance to ask for redress?

    No. Consumers still retain the right to remedy - repair, replacement and refund - as long as the consumer reported the defect within six months from the point of payment for the product.

    If a product has a warranty, can a consumer get remedy from both retailer and manufacturer?

    No. He can seek redress from only either the retailer or the manufacturer.

    If a consumer had bought a TV set with a two-year warranty and it is defective, should he get redress using the warranty or via the lemon law?

    If the defect was spotted after six months, it would be best for the consumer to seek redress under the warranty as the lemon law would not apply.

    If the defect is spotted within six months, consumers have the option to seek redress using either their warranty or the lemon law. However, it may be best to seek redress under the lemon law, as warranties typically offer only repairs, but not replacements or refunds.

    What happens if the retailer is out of stock of the product in question?

    Consumers can ask for a refund or to replace it with another product with similar value or quality.

    If an agreement cannot be reached with the retailer, what can the consumer do?

    He can take the case to the Small Claims Tribunal for claims of $10,000 or less, and to the Magistrate Court for larger amounts. The law will be upheld in court.

    Can a retailer be exempt from the law if he displays a notice that says ‘we do not give refunds under any circumstances’?


    Answers from the Consumers Association of Singapore and the Ministry of Trade and Industry
