Sunday 22 January 2012

Black Water Dragon ‘to cause trouble’

As if there was not already enough doom and gloom in the world, we now have to contend with the appearance of a Black Water Dragon.


  1. Black Water Dragon ‘to cause trouble’

    By Yasmine Yahya
    22 January 2012

    As if there was not already enough doom and gloom in the world, we now have to contend with the appearance of a Black Water Dragon.

    That is the particular breed of dragon that will be ruling our fates in the Chinese new year, and according to fengshui masters, this dragon is as ominous and menacing as its name suggests.

    The Black Water Dragon will be causing all sorts of trouble this year, the fengshui experts said, including natural disasters, floods and big fires all over the world.

    And hand in hand with the monster that is the euro zone debt crisis, the dragon will cause volatility in the financial markets.

    Founder of the Singapore Feng Shui Centre, Mr. Vincent Koh, said that broadly speaking, the year will be like a ‘restless ocean’.

    ‘On the one hand, you can ride on its powerful wave, but on the other hand you can be swallowed and drown if you are not careful,’ he wrote in his annual forecast report.

    Indeed, water will be the dominant element this year, said Ms. Jenny Ng, principal consultant at Feng Shui Connection.

    ‘Water represents uncertainty and unpredictability,’ she told The Sunday Times.

    ‘This year, the water element will overwhelm the earth element.’

    The relentless pounding of water against earth means it will be a bad year for industries represented by the earth element, she added.

    These include property, construction and insurance.

    ‘Earth-related industries will be the worst performers of the stock market, but this also means it might be a good year to buy these stocks to keep for the long term,’ she said.

    Mr. Koh added: ‘(Property and developments) are severely under attack and therefore prices will fall, but will pick up slightly during mid-year.’

    Self-professed Fengshui Queen Lynn Yap, meanwhile, predicts there will be more regulations in the real estate industry this year.

    Natural resources and mining firms, which are also represented by the earth element, will be very weak as well, Mr. Koh said.

    While busy dampening the property market, the Black Water Dragon will also make time to breathe fire on some stocks this year.

    The hottest performers in the stock market will be those represented by fire, the fengshui experts said.

    These include firms dealing with oil and gas, health care and beauty, electronics and food and beverage.

    Oil prices will rise too, the experts agreed.

    Wood-related industries will also fare quite well, they said.

    These include companies in education, timber, fashion, furniture and paper and pulp.

    Products and services offered by these firms will still be very much in demand this year, the experts said.

    However, it will an uncertain year for metals and metal-related industries, said Mr. Koh and Ms. Ng.

    They forecast that gold and precious metal prices will drop this year.

    Banking and finance, which are also represented by the metal element, will be unstable and risky too, they said.

    ‘Be prepared to cut losses,’ wrote Mr. Koh.

    But Ms. Yap takes a counter view. ‘The share prices of metal stocks in the stock market will rise the most, hence bank stocks or companies dealing with machinery or equipment will do very well,’ she wrote in her forecast.

    ‘They will report good profits earned and this also means we can make a lot of money from gold or silver,’ she wrote.

    Gold prices will fall for much of the year, but will rise again towards the end of the year, she added.

    One thing they can all agree on is that water-related stocks will not fare very well.

    Water represents a large number of sectors, including tourism, transport, logistics, shipbuilding, infocomm technology, gaming and advertising.

    In fact, Mr. Koh believes there will be more transport-related accidents this year.

    The food and beverage sector is sometimes considered a fire industry, but according to Mr. Koh, it also falls into the water category.

  2. ‘Hospitality and F&B are of (a watery) nature and therefore will face stiff competition and low demand,’ he said.

    It might be confusing to navigate these stormy waters over the next 12 months, but there is one tip that could be a lifeline to hang on to as you ride out the year: Don’t let your cup run over.

    ‘The key is not to be greedy, withdraw before it’s too late,’ noted Ms. Ng.

    ‘Don’t keep your cup full, when the cup becomes too full, it will spill. Three-quarters full is enough.’

    Most importantly, she added, attitude will determine how the dragon treats you.

    ‘Amid the instability lies opportunities for everyone. If you can ride the water dragon with perseverance, success will be in your hands.’

    Water-related stocks will not fare very well. Water represents sectors including advertising, tourism, logistics and gaming.
