Sunday 14 August 2011

Cathay pilot and hostess sacked over sex act on airliner

Incident did not happen while any plane was airborne, says chief executive John Slosar


  1. Cathay pilot and hostess sacked over sex act on airliner

    Incident did not happen while any plane was airborne, says chief executive John Slosar

    Simon Parry
    13 August 2011

    The Cathay Pacific pilot and air hostess photographed indulging in a sex act in the cockpit of a plane have left the airline, chief executive John Slosar said last night.

    Photographs of a Chinese woman performing the sex act on the expatriate pilot were widely circulated and posted on the internet in recent days.

    An internal investigation was launched and a report on the incident - which the airline insists did not take place while any of its planes were airborne - is now being prepared for the Civil Aviation Department.

    In a statement, Slosar implied the couple were dismissed and accused them of recklessly soiling the reputation of the company through their actions.

    He said: “I can confirm that two members of our crew shown in compromising situations in photographs published recently in Chinese-language daily newspapers are no longer employees of the company.

    “I can also report that we have found no evidence to suggest that the incident happened on any of our flights while airborne. We will now produce a report of our findings and pass it to our regulator, the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (CAD). We will continue to co- operate with CAD as required.

    “I know that many people were disturbed by the damage this incident caused to the reputation of our cockpit and cabin crews, all of them serious safety and service professionals, and to the airline itself.

    “I want to assure the public and all of our staff that we conducted a thorough investigation into the circumstances in which the photographs were taken and published. I can provide further assurance that our investigation was fair, conducted without fear or favour and with no special consideration or regard for rank or position in the company.

    “As chief executive of Cathay Pacific, let me be crystal clear about one thing: I find any behaviour that recklessly soils the reputation of our company or our team members as totally unacceptable.

    “That’s why we moved as swiftly as we could to ascertain the facts of the case, and to take decisive action.”

    Slosar said he was prevented by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance from divulging further details of when and where the pictures were taken.

    “I am satisfied that the actions we have taken are the right ones and that the lessons learned will make all of us in the company even more conscious of our responsibilities under our own code of conduct and the privacy provisions of Hong Kong law.

    “Finally, I would like to thank the Cathay Pacific team for their understanding and concern as we carried out our inquiries, and also to those who conducted the investigation with diligence, determination and commitment to a fair process.”

  2. If you think that is going to help Cathay pacific you are have it all wrong Simon. No body gives a damn about these things. Just improve your glossy services .

  3. Agree. CX is one of the worst airlines . Ugly hostesses who think they are some body and with attitude problem. Perhaps it is about time CX should consider bringing people from out of Hongkong to do the job. Hongkong people are really not suitable to do this job with their silly fake smiles. Get lost Simon.
