Thursday 11 March 2010

Saudis give assurance of cooperation over ‘assault’

The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia yesterday offered its full cooperation to the authorities here looking into a magistrate’s complaint against one of its diplomats.

1 comment:

  1. Saudis give assurance of cooperation over ‘assault’

    10 March 2010

    The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia yesterday offered its full cooperation to the authorities here looking into a magistrate’s complaint against one of its diplomats.

    The envoy in question is the embassy’s Third Secretary, Mr. Bader I.F. Al-Balawi, who allegedly beat up his neighbour in a dispute over a parking space for the handicapped in their condominium.

    The embassy, in a statement, said it ‘would like to express its profound respect of the laws and regulations of the Republic of Singapore and the rights of its citizens’.

    It added that the assurances of the embassy’s full cooperation extended by its ambassador, Dr Jamil M. Merdad, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) last week also came out of its ‘strong belief in the due process of law in Singapore’.

    Dr Jamil’s remarks then were in response to the MFA’s point about the importance of observing the rule of law here, and its request that Mr. Bader cooperate in investigations into the alleged incident, which an MFA spokesman said would enable the facts to be established and for the complaint to be handled in accordance with the laws here.

    Last week, a magistrate’s court directed the police to look into the complaint by condominium resident A. Jaafar, who claimed to have been assaulted by Mr. Bader in the carpark of Glendale Park condominium in Hillview Avenue on Jan 9.

    An MFA spokesman had said last week that as the matter was before the Attorney-General’s Chambers, it was inappropriate to speculate on the steps that would be taken.

    The Saudi Arabian embassy expressed similar views: ‘The Embassy, in observance of the due process of law in Singapore, finds it improper on its part to comment on the specifics of the case while it is under investigation by the concerned authorities, but it promises to do so when time warrants.’
