Sunday 28 February 2010

World Leaders' vs Lee Hsien Loong's Salary


  1. This is the greatest "asset" bubble. Not gold, iron ore, commodites, gas or coal. What stock rises 10 times and does not correct.
    Before 1994 : $300k (??)
    after 1994 : $1980k
    2007 : $3090k
    2008 : $3980k

    what stocks rises from $3.00 to $39.8 and does not correct or crash?

    In terms of p/e ratio; price to earnings or salary to GDP it's the most expensive in the world

  2. 1990 : appointed deputy Prime Minister
    1994 : salary increase

    2004 : appointed Prime Minister
    2007/8 : Pay increase

    every 4 years after appointment pay increase
    so if history is true
    4 years from the return of next coming election
    we should see a pay increase.
    50% pay increase = ~ $6million dollar man

  3. To be sure this is about the office and not the man
    and this is for the greater good of all and
    not the benefit of the office :

    The Question :
    The Acid Question:

    What is the opposition take on the salary issue ?
    What if and it's a big if :
    Will they revise the salary if they were in the office or
    the office will make any man Napoleon?

  4. Singaporeans must be real bullish ?
    Will you buy a stock that is rich in P/E. 450%-900% above the peer groups P/E. Maybe ? If there is an underlying, hidden untapped raw potential that is not yet tapped. But from a resource poor country, 900% above peer valuation is way above priced.

    On top of that the growth rate is in negative territory for the stock and for that peer group.

    Point in consideration : the Table below :
    salary GDP P/E
    (us$) P.Cap Ratio
    ------- ------ -----
    Singapore 2,800,000 49,433 56.6
    HongKong 516,000 42,574 12.1
    France 318,000 33,744 9.4
    Germany 303,000 34,219 8.9
    Unt States 400,000 46,443 8.6
    U. Kingdom 279,000 35,165 7.9
    Japan 243,000 38,290 6.3
    Canada 246,000 38,290 6.4
    Australia 229,000 37,302 6.1

    Ceteris paribus, If the premium of the head of goverment can be measured by the output achieved per capita then SINGAPORE's is enriched with premium.

    Its P/E ratio is 450% from the 2nd highest and 900% from the lowest.

    Singaporeans wants everything cheap but now they really get one they didnt bargain for.

  5. salary GDP P/E
    (us$) P.Cap Ratio
    ------- ------ -----
    Singapore 56.6

    HongKong 12.1

    France 9.4

    Germany 8.9

    Unt States 8.6

    U. Kingdom 7.9

    Japan 6.3

    Canada 6.4

    Australia 6.1

  6. For Info Prime minster salary by MONTH according to ST May23 1985:
    1961 $ 3,500
    1970 $ 3,500
    1973 $ 9,500
    1981 $ 21,458
    1984 $ 29,317 [Year LHL entered politics]
    1994 $ 96,000 [Year LHL appointed Deputy PM]
    2004 [Year LHL appointed Prime minister]
    2007 $ 258,000
    2010 $ 322,000

    Observation 1 :
    Data gleaned from internet and news sources, subject to accuracy. But as you can see
    in roughly 50 years, PM salary has increase 100 times. Resonable ?

    Observation 2 :
    When father knows son will enter politics, suggest pay should increase.
    Big jump from 70's to 80's
    $10k to $30K permonth

    Observation 3 :
    Thought Son will be PM so another big increase in 90's
    But son not ready, Mr Seat Warmer came in and got unexpected windfall.
    Salary hit a plateau the next few years until Son became PM.
    $30Ks to $90ks per month

    Observation 4 :
    Son became PM. Salaries double jump !!
    $100K to $300K per month !!

    Correlation of Salary to LHL rise in politics ??
    You decide.
    For me the data is very clear.
