Wednesday 3 February 2010

Siblings say big sister is up there smiling

Joining him in the room packed with 100 journalists were his sisters, Dr. Molly Gong Chung-sum and Kung Yan-sum. “Like everyone, I feel very happy,” Kung said as he thanked company staff, lawyers and the public for their support during the trial. “I think my big sister up there will also smile. She must be extremely happy now.”

1 comment:

  1. Siblings say big sister is up there smiling

    Martin Wong
    03 February 2010

    Nina Wang Kung Yu-sum’s siblings smiled broadly after their legal victory and said they were happy justice had prevailed.

    “I firmly believe in justice in heaven and earth,” Wang’s younger brother, Dr. Kung Yan-sum, said, pointing to a plaque of Chinese calligraphy bearing the phrase on a wall in Nina Tower, her Chinachem headquarters in Tsuen Wan.

    “We believe one who sows goodness will reap goodness and one who sows evil will reap evil.”

    Joining him in the room packed with 100 journalists were his sisters, Dr. Molly Gong Chung-sum and Kung Yan-sum. “Like everyone, I feel very happy,” Kung said as he thanked company staff, lawyers and the public for their support during the trial. “I think my big sister up there will also smile. She must be extremely happy now.”

    The ruling was not just a victory for the family but also for the company and Hongkongers, he said.

    Kung said his cellphone had not stopped ringing with calls, and tycoon Cecil Chao Sze-Tsung, a close friend of Nina Wang’s, made his way through the packed room to shake hands with family members.

    When asked if the family had forgiven Tony Chan Chun-chuen, Kung said: “I can’t say if we forgive him or not, but we think bygones should be bygones. But then, if there had not been such a legal battle, my sister’s wish of contributing to society could have been accomplished earlier.”

    The family said they had been too busy with the court case to consider the direction of the foundation, but details would be provided later.

    Kung said the family was not worried about Chan’s appeal. “We have the financial and human resources now. We will fight till the end, and I think it is the only way,”

    He said Chan’s claim was unnecessary and had only caused trouble for the family. The family added that they might ask Chan to return some of Wang’s legacy.

    When asked if this would include Wang’s trademark pigtails, which Chan claimed were proof of their romance, the siblings laughed and said they would have to think about it.

    “But then did the pigtails really belong to my sister?” Kung said. “What if we get them back but find they belonged to someone else?”
