Sunday 7 February 2010

Migrant workers may not return from holiday

Pulling suitcases and hefting heavy bags on their shoulders, millions of mainland workers are boarding trains to head home for the Lunar New Year - a holiday that triggers the world’s biggest annual migration of people.


  1. Migrant workers may not return from holiday

    Associated Press in Guangzhou
    05 February 2010

    Pulling suitcases and hefting heavy bags on their shoulders, millions of mainland workers are boarding trains to head home for the Lunar New Year - a holiday that triggers the world’s biggest annual migration of people.

    This year some may not come back from the holiday, which begins February 14, a growing worry for factory owners facing labour shortages but also a sign of improving opportunities for workers throughout China, not just in the coastal regions that have long been its manufacturing base.

    “During the holiday, I’ll check to see if I can get a decent job around my hometown,” Li Beiyong said, standing by her large suitcase this week in the crowded station in Guangzhou. “The pay might be lower, but the cost of living isn’t as high. I might do better there.”

    The buoyant job market is a dramatic reversal from a year ago, when the global financial crisis was battering China’s exporters. Millions of migrants were told to stay home because there wouldn’t be much work in Guangzhou and other usually booming southern cities. Then, as business started picking up during the middle of last year, factories were caught short-handed.

    China has experienced labour shortages frequently during the past decade, but many businesses now say they expect it to be worse this year than ever before. Migrants are finding jobs closer to home as the poor interior provinces become more prosperous. The supply of young labourers is decreasing as an effect of China’s one-child policy, and fewer are willing to work for sweatshop wages as their parents did.

    Farm-friendly policies are encouraging many to stay in rural areas on the land. And China’s massive stimulus package has created jobs across the country, sucking labour from coastal factories.

    “We’ve raised the monthly salary of our workers twice during the last year, from 1,200 to 1,700 yuan (US$250), but it’s still not that easy to keep workers,” said Lu Lei, general manger of Shanghai Reisheng Industrial Product Company in Shanghai.

    But even with the hikes, his salaries struggle to keep pace with rising living costs in the city that have discouraged workers from applying for jobs at his plastic pipe factory, he said.

    Over time, higher wages could translate into rising prices for Chinese-made goods worldwide. They may also increase the buying power of workers, which in turn could help the nation reduce its dependence on exports by boosting domestic demand – including potentially for imported goods.

    Li, the worker at the Guangzhou station, said she earns about 1,500 yuan a month in a hotel in the east coast city of Ningbo, south of Shanghai.

    But now she has a range of options: Besides looking for a job in her hometown, the 24-year-old woman also is considering shifting to neighbouring Guangdong province, where she worked in an electronics factory for 500 yuan a month in 2005.

    “I would never work for such little money again,” said Li, whose family grows rice in the Guangxi region in the south. “My bottom line is 1,000 yuan, but I can easily get more than that. The market is good for workers now.”

    As she talked, a river of people flowed into the massive square at Guangzhou’s train station. About 210 million passengers – more than the population of Russia – are expected to ride the rails during the 40-day New Year travel season. The holiday officially lasts six days, but many workers take a month off.

    With beads of sweat dripping off their faces, some used bamboo shoulder poles to haul their belongings in plastic bags. Others carried plastic buckets stuffed with instant noodles, peanuts and rolls of toilet paper for trips that can last up to 20 hours on hard wooden seats.

    The packed square produced a cacophony of police whistles, loudspeaker announcements and the rumble of rolling luggage being dragged over concrete. Passengers who arrived a few hours early had to wait in a crowded, cage-like area made of police barricades.

  2. Textile worker Yao Jian waited for his train to Hunan province in the holding area. The 37-year-old man made 3,000 yuan a month as a machine operator outside Guangzhou, but he wasn’t pleased with the conditions and said he would look for a new job after the New Year.

    “A lot of factories are short on workers, but they’re the ones that don’t pay enough,” said Yao, who was confident about finding another job in textiles. “They’re sweatshops. Who will work for them anymore?”
