Monday 26 October 2009

Lustful cadres warned to exercise caution

Communist Party cadres need to guard against lust in the face of temptation, a top-level official has warned.

1 comment:

  1. Lustful cadres warned to exercise caution

    Party official calls for restraint after series of sex scandals

    He Huifeng
    23 October 2009

    Communist Party cadres need to guard against lust in the face of temptation, a top-level official has warned.

    Li Yuanchao, head of the Organisation Department of the party’s Central Committee, said that cadres who hired sanpei girls (“three accompaniments” girls, who are paid for drinking, singing or dealing in sex), or visited sleaze hot spots, would receive demerits in their promotion assessments.

    Speaking to the Central Party School-published weekly Study Times, Li said the warning applied to government officials at all levels.

    Li, who is in charge of the party’s rank and file, lamented that many cadres were ensnared by corruption once they set foot in what he called “vulgar” venues.

    Lust was the biggest obstacle to integrity and figured in many cases of career-ending corruption, he said. “Most corrupt officials fall down because of moral problems ... Many officials lounge at hotspots or even vice establishments ... seriously defaming the image of the party.”

    He said several recent political scandals that were uncovered had started when officials had dealings with sanpei girls.

    The dangers of the culture of lustful cadres returned to the spotlight after several high-ranking cadres at national and local levels were ensnared in sex scandals.

    It is an open secret that questioning the mistresses of high-ranking officials is the first step taken by anti-graft investigators when they are ordered to launch an investigation.

    The women generally know the men’s most intimate secrets, which can then be used as blackmail ammunition to drive the cadres into compromising themselves.

    Mainland media had spread details earlier this week of the decadent lifestyle of fallen Chongqing Judicial Bureau chief Wen Qiang, who, when an actress or singer visiting Chongqing caught his eye, would use every means to sleep with her, including money and blackmail.

    The best-known example is Li Wei , a 46-year-old woman from Kunming , Yunnan , who was found to have slept with more than a dozen officials at the rank of vice-minister and above in return for business favours.

    They included former finance minister Jin Renqing, who was later sacked; Chen Tonghai, chairman of oil giant China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, who was jailed on corruption charges; and Du Shicheng, the former party secretary of Qingdao , Shandong , who was also jailed for graft.

    According to a survey by the mainland’s top prosecutors’ office in 2007, 90 per cent of the country’s most senior officials sacked for corruption in recent years had kept mistresses.
