Friday 11 September 2009

Better health, better sex

Studies show that those who exercise more tend to have better sex

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  1. Better health, better sex

    Studies show that those who exercise more tend to have better sex

    04 September 2009

    People who keep in shape feel sexier due to an improved physique.

    They are more confident, feel more desirable to the opposite sex and have a more enjoyable time carrying out any physical activity, including sex.

    But when it comes to pleasure in the bedroom, it all boils down to physical performance.

    One of the issues faced by men when it comes to sex is erectile dysfunction, commonly caused by circulatory problems due to inactive lifestyle.

    Research has also shown that men over the age of 50 who were physically active reported better erections and a 30 per cent lower risk of impotence then men who were inactive.

    So here are 5 simple exercises to turn up the heat in the bedroom:

    1. Kegels. Here, the muscles used to stop urinating midstream, known as the pubococcygeal (PC) muscles are contracted. To achieve this, do a short crunch, relax and then clench longer for 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat 10 times, at least three times a day.

    2. Pelvic lifts. This exercise mimics the action of having sex. Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your hands at the sides. Lift your pelvis up and down in a rhythmic motion, squeezing your butt muscles at the same time. Do a set of 5 to 10 repetitions, increasing the number of sets as you improve.

    3. Push-ups. Position your hands parallel to your shoulders and lie on your stomach. Push yourself off the ground with your hands until your arms are straightened and your chest and knees are off the ground. Next, lower your body until it is almost touching the ground. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

    4. Crunches. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Cross your feet and lift them until they are parallel to the ground. Cross your hands on your chest and lift it off the ground using your stomach muscles. Do three sets of 20 repetitions.

    5. Prayer pumps. Lie down on your back with your knees bent and legs apart. With your hands in a prayer position, lift your chest off the ground and push your hands through your legs. Repeat 20 times for a set, and continue for another two sets.

    Endorphins or “happy hormones” are released into the system when a person sweats it out, be it after a solid workout or after sex.

    And the more frequent and intense the releases, the easier it is to get sexually aroused and have more pleasure in the future.

    Increased fitness levels also means that a person will have greater strength and endurance.

    And that means better performance and having the ability to last longer in the bedroom.

    Word of advice: you might want to consider putting on protection before engaging in some bedroom fun.

    And of course, if you’re happily committed to that special person, it’s best to keep it that way and not spread the love.

    To test your knowledge on sexual health and sex-related issues, log on to and stand to win attractive prizes worth over $800.
