Thursday 27 August 2009

Apple in hot water in France

Half a dozen new cases of ‘exploding iPhones’ emerged in France on Wednesday, asApple faced an official inquiry and calls to come clean over possible risks linked to its wildly popular smartphone.

1 comment:

  1. Apple in hot water in France

    26 August 2009

    PARIS - Half a dozen new cases of ‘exploding iPhones’ emerged in France on Wednesday, asApple faced an official inquiry and calls to come clean over possible risks linked to its wildly popular smartphone.

    An 80-year-old pensioner from the Paris suburbs said on Wednesday his iPhone screen cracked up in his hands, a day after a supermarket watchman claimed he was hurt in the eye when hisscreen suddenly shattered this week.

    Eight French consumers have now come forward saying their iPhone screens exploded orcracked without explanation, according to an AFP tally, including a first case in mid-August in which a teenager suffered an eye injury.

    Apple is accused of trying to hush up 15 cases of iPod music players heating up and bursting into flames in the United States and in one similar British case, all apparently due to overheated lithium ion batteries.

    None of the incidents has caused a serious injury but Apple was forced to defend the safety of its flagship smartphone before the European Union this month, insisting the exploding screen cases were ‘isolated incidents’. The US technology giant, which has sold 26 million iPhones and 200million iPods to date, said it been informed of the French cases, but would not comment until it had examined the damaged phones.

    ‘We are aware of these reports and we are waiting to receive the iPhones from the customers. Until we have the full details, we don’t have anything further to add,’ Mr. Alan Hely, head of communications at Apple Europe, told AFP.
    But France’s official competition, consumer affairs and fraud watchdog, the DGCCRF, haslaunched an investigation to find out whether the Apple smartphone could pose a threat to consumers.

    ‘An investigation is under way. We have been alerted to the problem and we are looking into it closely,’ a spokesman said on Tuesday.

    France’s consumer rights group, UFC-Que Choisir, also called on Apple to come clean about possible faults with its iPod and iPhone devices.

    ‘We want to know if this is an isolated incident as they claim, or a real problem involving the iPhone - in which case, what are they planning by way of compensation and to prevent it happening again?’ said a spokesman.
