Friday 26 June 2009

Officer asked about genital size

The woman, who alleged that a senior anti-graft officer had hit her during questioning, testified on Friday that he asked her about the size of her husband’s penis.

1 comment:

  1. Officer asked about genital size

    By Khushwant Singh
    26 June 2009

    The woman, who alleged that a senior anti-graft officer had hit her during questioning, testified on Friday that he asked her about the size of her husband’s penis.

    Ms. Lin Yanmei, 41, a Chinese national, was then being investigated for entering into a marriage of convenience with Mr. Chan Hon Kwan, a 59-year-old Singaporean

    Speaking through a Mandarin interpreter, she said that principal senior investigator Neo Siong Leng of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) accused her of being a prostitute - and an ugly one at that.

    She said she felt very humiliated.

    Neo is on trial for throwing a plastic file at Ms. Lin and causing a cut on her lower lip and a chipped tooth.

    The 33-year-old has also been charged with hurting Ms. Lin’s knee that same day when he kicked a table, which hit her leg.

    Ms. Lin had gone to the CPIB building in Lengkok Bahru at about 11am on Jan 14 last year.

    She was initially questioned by another officer.

    After lunch, Neo took over and told her that she was ‘unlucky’ to have him assigned to her case.

    She added that he was very loud and started off by banging a book on the table in the interview room.

    He kept insisting that she admit that her marriage was a sham and she did not have sex with her husband.

    When she denied his accusations, he demanded she tell him the size of her husband’s penis and its distinguishing marks, she said.

    She did so but that did not stop Neo from saying hat she had only married Mr. Chan to become a prostitute here.

    But since she was so ugly she brought along her 16-year-old daughter from a previous marriage for the same purpose..

    She had then pleaded with him: ‘You humiliated me and that’s enough. Please don’t humiliate my daughter.’

    She said that after she had her dinner in the small interview room, Neo had taken her to his office to record a statement.

    There, he had kicked a table that hit her knee and she had cried out.

    Later, he had hit her with the black plastic file containing her marriage certificate and other documents causing her lower lip to bleed.

    But she said that she was unsure whether it was intentional or accidental.

    She also said that the investigation into her marriage had ended.

    The court had earlier been told that she and her husband had been issued with a stern warning by CPIB.

    Neo’s lawyer Subhas Anandan will be cross-examining her next.
