Tuesday 14 April 2009

Goldman Pushes Stock Issue in Plan to Escape U.S. Grip

Goldman Sachs Group Inc., frustrated at federally mandated pay caps, has been plotting for months to get out from under the government’s thumb.

1 comment:

  1. Goldman Pushes Stock Issue in Plan to Escape U.S. Grip

    14 April 2009

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc., frustrated at federally mandated pay caps, has been plotting for months to get out from under the government’s thumb.

    On Monday, Goldman took fresh steps to break free: It announced, as expected, that it plans to raise $5 billion by selling new common shares to investors, and that it would like to use the money to repay government bailout money received last year. The firm also reported stronger-than-expected first-quarter earnings of $1.81 billion.

    Goldman managers have a big incentive to escape the state’s clutches. Last year, 953 Goldman employees -- nearly one in 30 -- were paid in excess of $1 million apiece, according to people familiar with the matter. But tight federal restrictions connected to the financial-sector bailout have severely crimped the Wall Street firm’s ability to offer such lavish pay this year.

    At a meeting President Barack Obama hosted with bank executives at the White House in late March, Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman’s chief executive, argued that banks needed freedom to repay the loans the U.S. forced them to accept in October. Eight large institutions received a total of $165 billion in capital, including $10 billion for Goldman. The pay restrictions were tied to those loans. The banks were told then that everyone had to accept the money so it wouldn’t be obvious who needed it most.

    “Those who could pay it back have an obligation to do so,” Mr. Blankfein urged the president, according to attendees. Mr. Blankfein, who was paid $68.5 million in 2007, added that the pay caps and other factors are “going to limit our ability to compete, both here and abroad.”

    The federal government’s management of the financial crisis is entering a new phase. The trillions of dollars Washington has committed to help stabilize companies and thaw frozen credit markets have enmeshed the government deep in the affairs of investment banks, insurers and auto companies. Now that stock and bond markets have rebounded a bit, and pressure is easing for some financial firms, the government has to begin deciding how tight a grip to maintain on some companies, and for how long.

    If Goldman is permitted to repay its loan, it would be the first big bank to do so. That would set the stage for the firm to once again pay its executives, traders and bankers -- long among Wall Street’s highest paid --as it sees fit.
