Sunday 1 March 2009

Yunnan detainee beaten to death

Authorities in Yunnan province yesterday reversed their finding on the suspicious death of a young detainee, who is now believed to have been beaten to death by prison bullies.

1 comment:

  1. Yunnan detainee beaten to death

    Kristine Kwok
    28 February 2009

    Authorities in Yunnan province yesterday reversed their finding on the suspicious death of a young detainee, who is now believed to have been beaten to death by prison bullies.

    The abrupt about-face on the explanation of Li Qiaoming’s death early this month, which was initially attributed to a brain injury during a game of hide-and-seek while in custody, came after the authorities gave in to intense pressure from mainland netizens and invited bloggers and journalists to join the investigation.

    Although the probe was criticised by some as a publicity stunt, yesterday’s revelation was a rare case of a mainland government overturning a decision under public pressure.

    Three senior officials were removed from their posts for dereliction of duty in connection with the death, Xinhua quoted provincial public security bureau spokeswoman Yang Jianping as saying at a press conference in Kunming. They were Yan Guodong, vice-director of the Jinning police bureau; Yu Chengjiang, head of the Jinning prison; and Jiang Ying, deputy head of the prison. A police officer in charge of Li’s cell block was also dismissed.

    Li, 24, was detained on January 28 for alleged illegal logging. He was frequently assaulted by inmates - including Zhang Houhua, Zhao Tao and Pu Yonghua - with their fists and slippers, according to Yunnan Procuratorate spokesman Liu Xiaokai.

    On February 8, the trio used the game of “eluding the cat”, a form of hide-and-seek, as a pretence and blindfolded Li to beat him up. Pu allegedly hit Li on his head, which he then hit on a wall and passed out.

    Li was sent to a hospital and was certified dead on February 12.

    Mr. Liu said the three inmates would probably face charges of assault causing death.
