Tuesday 10 March 2009

Investor Jim Rogers buys farmland, bets on agriculture

Commodities are still the best play for the long term, legendary investor Jim Rogers said and he’s put his money where his foot is, by buying farmland.

1 comment:

  1. Investor Jim Rogers buys farmland, bets on agriculture

    10 March 2009

    Commodities are still the best play for the long term, legendary investor Jim Rogers said and he’s put his money where his foot is, by buying farmland.

    Rogers, who is now based in Singapore, told CNBC last week, that he has been buying farmland himself. “We’re still going to eat, probably; we’re still going to wear clothes, probably. Farmers cannot get loans for fertilisers right now. So the supplies of everything are going to continue to be under pressure.”

    He is the director of two funds which are buying greenfield land in Brazil and existing farms in Canada and starting to farm it. The funds are clearing the land, fertilising it, irrigating it and hiring farmers and, Rogers said, some day will probably sell the land but that is a remote prospect.

    “If I’m right, agriculture is going to be one of the greatest industries in the next 20 years, 30 years.” Food inventories are at their lowest in 50 years, Rogers said, while the oil and mining sectors are also good bets. Even if demand goes flat or down, as it did in the 30s, as it did in the 70s, you can still have a nice market,” he told CNBC.

    Despite the recent rally, gold is still a good opportunity if investors choose the right time and way to get in, according to Rogers. “I own some gold, of course I own some gold. If gold goes down, I’ll buy more,” he said. “The IMF is trying to sell their gold and if they do then they’ll drive the price of gold down a lot. If they do … that’ll be the last opportunity to buy gold in a long, long time.”

    “You can buy coins, you can buy the real stuff, you can buy ETFs and ETNs on the exchanges, you can buy mining companies if you know what you’re doing…,” he added. Earlier this year, Rogers said he liked the Swiss franc and the yen but gave up the Swiss currency. “I stopped buying the Swiss franc when the Swiss (central) bank bailed out UBS. I still hold the yen.”

    Asked whether the current collapse in commodities prices worries him, he said: “You’re supposed to buy when they’re collapsing. I expect to own commodities for years, for a long time.”
