Sunday 8 February 2009

Sushi for your services

If you are a lawyer or accountant who loves sushi, step right in.

1 comment:

  1. Sushi for your services

    If you are a lawyer or accountant who loves sushi, step right in.

    Ms. Hazel Hok, 46, owner of Megumi Restaurant, might just be able to do a barter deal: Sushi for your service.

    She has been trying out barter trading at her latest outlet in Sunset Way, and has so far secured printing and Web design services.

    She is now looking for legal and accounting services.

    Since May last year, she has swopped meals at her restaurant for services from other members on BarterXchange’s website. The meals were worth $4,600.

    ‘It’s a good way to offload excess capacity, especially during the less busy weekdays,’ said Ms. Hok.

    ‘We don’t barter for a living. We still want customers to pay cash for sushi, but bartering helps us reduce cash expenses in the short term.’

    She needed to print application forms for a new customer loyalty programme and found Rainbow Products, a local printing house, on the BarterXchange website.

    Rainbow Products earned barter credits by providing Ms. Hok with the printing service, but has not redeemed the credits for sushi. Local Web design firm Content Factory also did not redeem the credits earned from providing webpage design.

    Ms. Hok was introduced to BarterXchange at one of the regular get-togethers organised by the Restaurant Association of Singapore in May last year. She joined the online barter exchange soon after.

    She said: ‘We’re looking for legal and accounting services, currently not provided by BarterXchange’s members. Hopefully, more companies will join the barter network.’
