Wednesday 11 February 2009

Senate chairman calls for Bush administration inquiry

The chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday called for a bipartisan ‘truth and reconciliation’ commission to investigate potential wrongdoing by Bush administration officials in the war on terrorism.

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  1. Senate chairman calls for Bush administration inquiry

    11 February 2009

    The chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday called for a bipartisan ‘truth and reconciliation’ commission to investigate potential wrongdoing by Bush administration officials in the war on terrorism.

    Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy said such an inquiry by well-qualified experts is needed to provide the public with a full and detailed accounting of the facts, even though President Barack Obama has indicated that he does not want to engage in widespread criminal investigations of former Bush administration officials and CIA agents and others who carried out their orders. Among the possible issues he cited: the Justice Department’s support for warrantless surveillance, coercive interrogation techniques, and the politicisation of the hirings and firings of prosecutors.

    Mr. Leahy’s counterpart in the House, Judiciary Committee chairman Representative John Conyers, has sponsored legislation calling for a similar commission and enlisted at least 16 Democrats to support it.

    In a speech to Georgetown University students, Mr. Leahy described such a commission as a middle ground between those who want criminal investigations and those who say the Obama administration and its Justice Department need to move on and not dwell on possible wrongdoing by their predecessors. He said it would not assess blame or try to prove criminal violations.

    But Mr. Leahy said the investigation should be thorough and wide-ranging, backed by the power to subpoena witnesses and grant immunity from prosecution, except in cases of perjury.

    ‘The president is right that we need to focus on fixing the problems that exist and improving the future for hardworking Americans. I wholeheartedly agree and expect the Judiciary Committee and the Senate to act accordingly,’ Mr. Leahy said. ‘But that does not mean that we should abandon seeking ways to provide accountability for what has been a dangerous and disastrous diversion from American law and values.’

    Mr. Leahy said he has not yet discussed his proposal with Senate colleagues, identified specific individuals for such a commission or even settled on a blueprint of what he would like to see accomplished.

    He said a good model for it would be the reconciliation commission enacted in South Africa after apartheid, in which blanket immunity was granted to former officials in order to get to the truth of what happened.

    ‘I don’t want to embarrass anybody. I don’t want to punish anybody. I just want the truth to come out so this never happens again,’ Mr. Leahy added.
