Tuesday 10 February 2009

Mainland to aid electronics, IT industry

Mainland’s electronics and information technology (IT) industry is likely to be the next to get government support, the official Financial News reported on Friday, citing an unnamed source.

1 comment:

  1. Mainland to aid electronics, IT industry

    Reuters in Beijing
    6 February 2009

    Mainland’s electronics and information technology (IT) industry is likely to be the next to get government support, the official Financial News reported on Friday, citing an unnamed source.

    Mainland has issued a flurry of measures to assist several industries weather a slowdown in the country’s economic growth. The latest move, announced on Wednesday, was to increase export tax rebates for textile and garment makers.

    The National Development and Reform Commission, country’s top economic planner, had initially approved the plan to bolster the electronics and IT industry. It will submit the plan to the State Council after making revisions, the paper said.

    The paper said the plan will involve telecommunications, internet and electronic products, without elaborating.

    Like their western counterparts, mainland firms in electronics and information technology sector have been suffering from declining technology demand both at home and abroad, as companies worldwide are tightening their belts.

    Beijing has said it plans to offer assistance to 10 key sectors, as part of its broad efforts to support the economy. It announced last month a wide ranging plan to help the auto and steel sectors through measures including tax cuts and subsidies.
