Monday 9 February 2009

India bans China toys

Beijing says this would affect bilateral trade

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  1. India bans China toys

    Beijing says this would affect bilateral trade

    9 February 2009

    China on Monday voiced ‘serious concern’ over India’s decision to impose a ban on imports of toys and other measures that Beijing said affected bilateral trade.

    ‘The Chinese government expresses serious concern that the Indian side has imposed... import restrictions in such a short time period,’ the ministry of commerce said in a statement on its website.

    With effect from Jan 23, the Indian government imposed a ban on Chinese toys for a period of six months.

    The Indian government has said the ban on toys was implemented on the grounds of ‘public health and safety’.

    But some Indian analysts have suggested the move was aimed at shielding India’s struggling toy industry against a flood of Chinese imports.

    Apart from the toy ban, the commerce ministry complained India had started 17 trade remedy investigations since October on products from China, including sodium carbonate and automobile tyres.

    It has also restricted the import of steel, chemical products and textile products from China recently, the ministry said.
