Sunday 4 January 2009

Shanghai Official Commits Suicide

An official perhaps affiliated with Chen Liangyu’s graft scandal jumped from her balcony.

1 comment:

  1. Shanghai Official Commits Suicide

    An official perhaps affiliated with Chen Liangyu’s graft scandal jumped from her balcony.

    Yu Dawei and Shen Hu, Caijing
    4 January 2009

    Shen Zhengjuan, director of the state-owned assets administration, or SASAC, in Shanghai’s Huangpu District, jumped to her death on the last day of 2008. Reasons for her suicide are unclear, but she may have been affiliated with the graft scandal of former Shanghai Mayor and Party Secretary Chen Liangyu.

    Fifty-year-old Shen jumped from her balcony at about 10 a.m. on December 31, according to witnesses who heard and saw her afterward.

    The press office of the Huangpu District Government confirmed the suicide that evening. Police investigators ruled out the possibility of homicide, local government said, adding that Shen was resting at home and may have killed herself due to health problems.

    A source with knowledge of the case told Caijing that after Chen Liangyu’s graft scandal broke, many local Shanghai officials were “invited” to talk over coffee, including Shen.

    “Shen used to be a strong woman and very capable. She gave a good impression and did not pay too much attention to make-up and dressing. But after talking with investigators of the Chen Liangyu scandal, she became depressed. Instead of going to the cafeteria, she brought her lunch box to work. She seemed stressed out,” the source said. “Shen was friendly to people, hardworking, and did not care too much about her own interests. We all regret her death.”

    According to the official news agency Xinhua, Shen left a letter for her family saying that she was under pressure at work.
