Tuesday 6 January 2009

Laguna En-bloc Saga - Charged with Mischief

Businessman Lee Kok Leong, 62, is alleged to have inserted glue into the padlock, main wooden door and rear gate keyholes of a flat at Block 5000E, Laguna Park, Marine Parade Road, at 12.44am on Aug 25 last year.

1 comment:

  1. Laguna En-bloc Saga - Charged with Mischief

    By Elena Chong
    6 January 2009

    The former chairman of a private estate management committee was charged in court on Tuesday with two counts of mischief.

    Businessman Lee Kok Leong, 62, is alleged to have inserted glue into the padlock, main wooden door and rear gate keyholes of a flat at Block 5000E, Laguna Park, Marine Parade Road, at 12.44am on Aug 25 last year.

    The damage to the locking mechanisms amounted to $410.

    He is also accused of inserting glue into the front and rear wooden door keyholes of another flat on the same floor, resulting in damage of $180 at about that time.

    The 530-unit East Coast condominium had been hit by a spate of vandalism after residents were split over a collective sale.

    Cars belonging to residents not keen on the sale were splashed with a corrosive liquid or paint, or scratched; mailboxes had also been found with glue in their keyholes.

    The 30-year-old estate managed to secure the 80 per cent threshold for an en-bloc sale in December.

    The asking price is $1.2 billion - or $1.8 million to $2.3 million per unit, down from the more than $3 million some owners were hoping for in 2007.

    Lee, who was dressed in a white long sleeve shirt and black jeans, was represented by Mr. Ramesh Tiwary who sought an adjournment to make representations.

    Two of the residents were in court when the case was mentioned.

    Outside the courtroom, a couple and two more residents turned up as well.

    If convicted, Lee can be jailed for up to one year or fined, or sentenced to both, on each charge.

    He will be back on Feb 3.
