Monday 8 December 2008

‘No ill will intended’ - Fucking Liars

Chan stated that she did not read The Little Bride, a comic tract published by Chick Publications, an American publishing company. Neither was she aware of its contents.

Bloody Christian liars. Who is to believe you don't read the materials that you distribute? You have 400 tracts of The Little Bride in your home and you don't know the contents? You distribute the tracts with an objective, and you certainly must know the contents because you want it to achieve your objective.

1 comment:

  1. ‘No ill will intended’

    By Elena Chong
    5 December 2008

    The couple accused of distributing seditious publications said their only intention was to spread the word of God.

    SingTel technical officer Ong Kian Cheong, 49, and his wife, Dorothy Chan Hien Leng, 45, an associate director with UBS, gave their response in written statements to the police during investigation earlier this year.

    They are alleged to have distributed a seditious publication each to Mr. Irwan Ariffin, 32, a police officer, and Mr. Isa Raffee, 35, an administrative officer, and an undesirable publication to Madam Farharti Ahmad, 36, an internal auditor, between March and December last year.

    Both Ong and Chan apologised repeatedly in their statements for the hurt caused to anyone in statements made in January and April 2008.

    They said they sent out the tracts to spread Christianity.

    Chan stated that she did not read The Little Bride, a comic tract published by Chick Publications, an American publishing company. Neither was she aware of its contents.

    She said the tracts were sent with good intentions so that the word of God was preached to all.

    On the more than 400 tracts found at their Maplewoods Condominium in Bukt Timah, Chan said the imported materials were to be distributed to anyone.

    ‘It was never with the intention of hurting or ill will....We had no idea that the distribution of these tracts were considered seditious. We never had the intention of breaking any laws of the land,” she wrote.

    A Media Development Authority senior assistant director, Mr. A.R. Madeei, testified on Friday that the police had asked him to examine the booklet, The Little Bride - which were received by Mr. Irwan and Madam Farharti - if it was objectionable.

    ‘In my opinion, it is objectionable as it denigrates Islam,” he told the court.

    He continues his testimony on Jan 28.
