Friday 19 December 2008

A New Trading Power Emerges

The year 1986 was a big one for China in terms of opening itself up to the world.

1 comment:

  1. A New Trading Power Emerges

    Al Guo
    18 December 2008

    The year 1986 was a big one for China in terms of opening itself up to the world.

    It was the year the central government decided to roll out various fiscal and financial incentives to encourage foreign companies to set up factories in China.

    But it was also the year of something that would eventually play an even bigger role in shaping China’s status as one of the world’s top exporting nations - the resumption of its talks to join the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt) in July that year.

    It went largely unnoticed at the time, as nobody appeared to fully understand what its implications were for the country.

    This understated beginning was followed by 13 years of ups and downs, culminating in a landmark moment in China’s foreign trade history in November 1999, when representatives from China and the US signed an agreement in Beijing on China’s entry into the World Trade Organisation, Gatt’s successor.

    China went on to finalise all bilateral talks with the rest of the world and became a formal WTO member in 2001 in Doha, Qatar.

    Few people, including those involved in the talks, had a real idea of where the negotiations would eventually go, according to Shen Jueren , China’s chief Gatt negotiator from 1986 to 1991.

    “[The negotiators from other countries] didn’t really know China’s economic system. They raised about 2,000 questions on China’s economic system, such as what is your planned economy, how do you make plans, and why do you make such plans?” Mr. Shen said in a documentary on the WTO negotiations.

    China was still operating under the planned economy in 1986, which meant that every product was a result of state planning rather than need.

    Mr. Shen and colleagues limited the initial contacts with Gatt members to “promoting mutual understanding” rather than addressing issues, for “we were both afraid of giving out too much information”.

    Those contacts came to a standstill in 1989, when the central government ordered the military to crack down on the pro-democracy student protests. But talks resumed in 1991 and the old questions resurfaced.

    China’s former chief WTO negotiator Long Yongtu admitted that it was hard to explain why China’s factories needed a party secretary to lead along with a chief executive officer.

    “They said the party secretary represented the planned economy, and the CEO represented the market economy, and kept asking who played a bigger role in China’s two-leadership business models. Obviously, we were not clearly told [by the Chinese government] how to answer that question,” Mr. Long said.

    Paramount leader Deng Xiaoping clarified the issue in 1992, when he said China’s socialist system should allow a market-based economy.

    The Chinese delegates followed up by announcing in Geneva in October that year that China would adopt a market-based economy.

    Nevertheless, Chinese negotiators still had to hammer out their bilateral WTO entry agreement with the world’s No 1 trade power, the US.

    The US clashed with China almost every year on whether to renew it most-favoured nation treatment, a trading status that allowed lower tariffs.

    “Every June, US lawmakers reviewed China’s trade status with all kinds of references like trade, human rights, and even the Tibet issue,” Mr. Long said. “It was like a huge time bomb between China and the United States that could have exploded at any time.”

    Trade negotiations progressed little by little in the mid-1990s until the two countries finalised an agreement in 1999 in Beijing.
