Tuesday 2 December 2008

China Lures Overseas Chinese Financial Talent

Shanghai looks to fill 170 positions with overseas financial talent through a recruitment expedition.

1 comment:

  1. China Lures Overseas Chinese Financial Talent

    Shanghai looks to fill 170 positions with overseas financial talent through a recruitment expedition.

    2 December 2008

    A semi-official recruitment team from Shanghai and Nanjing will go to London, Chicago, and New York to lure talented Chinese financial professionals to work in China. Wu Jianrong, deputy secretary to the Shanghai Financial Work Committee and head of the recruitment team, said that right now is a great time to recruit talents for Chinese financial firms as job opportunities shrink in New York and London.

    Wu said that Shanghai is nearly as international as cities in developed countries and able to provide positions with competitive salary packages. Chinese financial firms may take advantage of the current global financial crisis by absorbing the best and brightest at lower cost.

    According to Xinhua News Agency 27 financial firms had more than 170 positions on offer as per November 19, covering all functions in the finance field, from risk- and asset-management to macro-economic and policy research.

    Recruiters include the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange, China UnionPay, Haitong Securities, Orient Securities, Shenyin Wanguo Securities, Pacific Insurance Group, Guotai Junan Securities, Shanghai International Group, Hua fund management companies, Yangtze River Insurance, Pudong Development Bank and Bank of Shanghai.
