Monday 3 November 2008

Woman dies after breast reduction surgery

Husband said she had always been concerned about her looks, and went for the surgery without telling her family.

1 comment:

  1. Woman dies after breast reduction surgery

    Husband said she had always been concerned about her looks, and went for the surgery without telling her family.

    The New Paper
    3 November 2008

    She was unhappy with her figure, so she went for breast enlargement. But two years on, Ms Wang Xiaobin decided she might have overdone things.

    Her new breasts were too large, she felt.

    Worse, they were uneven in size, and not as pert as she would like, reported Hong Kong newspaper The Sun.

    In the quest for that perfect cup size, she decided to go under the knife again - this time, for breast reduction.

    The plan was to remove the original implants and replace them with smaller ones.

    Would this be the perfect pair?

    Ms Wang never found out.

    The 35-year-old Hong Kong permanent resident died about a week after the operation.

    She stopped breathing during the surgery and could not be revived despite repeated attempts by hospital staff.

    Ms Wang was originally from Sichuan, China.

    She split up with her ex-husband some years ago, and had been living in both Hong Kong and mainland China since.

    Concerned with looks

    Ms Wang’s ex-husband said that she had been very concerned with her looks and her figure.

    She took medication and tried various methods to lose weight.

    She also had plastic surgery done to her nose, and to give her double eyelids.

    Ms Wang did not tell her family about these operations until they were over.

    This final, fatal surgery was no different.

    The Sun reported that according to her family, Ms Wang originally had a 81cm bust measurement.

    In 2006, she went to a clinic in mainland China for breast enlargement, increasing her bustline to around 86 or 89cm.

    She celebrated by having studio pictures taken to show off her new look.

    But some months ago, she started telling family members that her breasts were too hard.

    On 14 Oct, without telling her friends on family, she went to a clinic to have the implants replaced.

    According to medical records, she went under anaesthetic for the operation, which took place in the morning.

    But when the surgery was completed, the doctor discovered that her face was turning purple, and her heart had stopped.

    She needed a machine to help her breathe, and did not regain consciousness.

    Her ex-husband was informed at 6pm, and she was transferred to a hospital for emergency treatment.

    A hospital spokesman said that by the time she was admitted, she was already in a very dangerous condition.

    Despite their best efforts, she was declared dead on 23 Oct.
