Thursday 13 November 2008

Tiger kills man at zoo

He died on way to hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Tiger kills man at zoo

    He died on way to hospital.

    13 November 2008

    A Malaysian cleaner died after he was mauled by a white tiger at the Singapore Zoo on Thursday.

    Mr Nordin Mondong, 32, from Sarawak, is believed to have fallen into the moat surrounding the white tiger enclosure at about 12.15pm and was immediately pounced on by the three big cats weighing over 100 kg each.

    Terrified visitors near the section watched the vicious attack in horror and screamed.

    Three zoo keepers were alerted to the commotion and sprang to rescue Mr Nordin. Two of them tried to distract the three tigers and managed to keep them under control but a third kept on mauling Mr Nordin.

    The keepers managed to pull the cleaner to safety and rushed him to hospital. But he died on the way.

    Mr Nordin started working at the Zoo in June.

    It is believed he was not supposed to be in the tiger enclosure and was assigned to clean the chimpanzee section.

    He was seen behaving in an agitated manner before he fell into the moat.
