Tuesday 25 November 2008

Strong Rebound Coming in Next 3 Months: Dr. Doom

The sheer amount of money governments are pumping into the financial system will eventually lead to a very strong rally in beaten-down assets, investor Marc Faber said on CNBC Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Strong Rebound Coming in Next 3 Months: Dr. Doom

    21 November 2008

    The sheer amount of money governments are pumping into the financial system will eventually lead to a very strong rally in beaten-down assets, investor Marc Faber said on CNBC Friday.

    But Faber also warned that if the markets remain depressed as liquidity increases the result could be a depression worse than in 1929.

    By and large asset markets are “terribly oversold” now, while investors are going overboard into the U.S. dollar and U.S. Treasuries, Faber, editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, told “Squawk Box Europe.”

    “What you could see in the next three months is a very strong rebound in asset markets, in equities, followed by a selloff in bonds and eventually a selloff in the dollar,” he said.

    Governments and central banks around the world are providing liquidity and that will eventually have an impact, Faber said.

    And once the buying starts the rally is likely to be “stronger than people expect” given that financial institutions are sitting on so much cash, he added.

    ‘Colossal Deflation’

    “I think the intervention by the government in the past and at the present time has created more volatility, not less, and so right now we have deflation, we have colossal deflation in asset prices,” he said, noting that equities alone have lost $30 trillion globally.

    But “I assure you if you throw enough money at the system, eventually you can reflate, especially in the United States,” Faber added.

    Statistically a rebound should happen, but if it doesn’t “the air is out” and the world faces an economy “worse than the depression of ‘29 to ‘32,” he said.
