Thursday 13 November 2008

China considers media freedoms to stem unrest

The Chinese government is considering loosening its grip over the media and allowing citizens to let off steam as the economy unravels.

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  1. China considers media freedoms to stem unrest

    The Chinese government is considering loosening its grip over the media and allowing citizens to let off steam as the economy unravels.

    By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai
    13 November 2008

    A “press law” that would help to free Chinese journalists from the tight control imposed by the ministry of propaganda, has been suggested by Hu Jintao, the Chinese president.

    Mr Hu visited the offices of the People’s Daily, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party, and gave warning that the rising number of “large-scale public incidents” should be “accurately, objectively and uniformly reported, with no tardiness, deception, incompleteness or distortion.”

    In the past week there have been major strikes in three Chinese provinces which have led to scenes of violence and multiple arrests.

    Meanwhile, in Shenzen, the accidental death of a motorcyclist last weekend triggered a riot in which 400 people attacked the local police station for hours, burning a squad car. Figures released yesterday showed that 600 individuals had been arrested in Shanghai alone this year for attacking the police, who are the most public face of the government.

    Yang Jia, a 28-year-old man from Beijing who stabbed six policemen to death has become a cult hero, with huge crowds assembling outside his trial.

    The wave of unrest has led Meng Jianzhu, China’s most senior police official, to urge officers to avoid inflaming protests at a time when tensions were high.

    “The chief tasks of the public security authorities are to ease conflicts, avoid excessive steps and prevent the situation from getting out of control,” he said.

    “Absolutely avoid exacerbating conflict and any incidents of bloodshed, injury or death,” he added.

    China has admitting publicly that almost 90,000 riots occur in the country each year. However, with the Chinese economic miracle unravelling and millions of workers finding themselves unemployed, the government has acknowledged that allowing citizens to vent some anger could help prevent major social problems.

    A recent front-page editorial in the People’s Daily, written by Hua Qing, the propaganda chief of the State Council, hinted that a press law was being drafted.

    “Our country is at a crucial stage of development, with new problems and circumstances emerging constantly,” said Mr Hua.

    “We must accelerate legislation in the press sector in order to provide a legal guarantee for effective press work and for the improvement of public opinion guidance capacity,” he added.
