Tuesday 11 November 2008

Bad Feng Shui in South for 2009


  1. According to a Feng Shui master:

    This year, 2008, the “five yellow” is in the NORTH and hence “bankruptcy” occurs in the NORTH. Next year, the “five yellow” is moving to the SOUTH and so banks or companies in the Southern Hemisphere or in the SOUTH may go “bankrupt”.

    This is looking at the world in 2009 from a fengshui perspective: you simply watch and see if I am right or not.

    Then if this is the case, then we should not invest into Australian dollars nor New Zealand dollars now but to wait for the “big drop” probably around September/October 2009 and then enter.

  2. Property stocks like those of developers may not do well, the next 3 years. Hence if you just wish to buy and make profit then this stock is out. However, if you plan for a long term stock then it is good to enter now and “keep buying till 2019” where property stocks can make big money and then exit because another crisis will come in the next year of the rat/ox (2020/2021).
