Friday 31 October 2008

Taiwanese Tycoons Show Support for Chen Visit

Leaders of 7 business organizations say SEF-ARATS agreements will be positive for nation

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  1. Taiwanese Tycoons Show Support for Chen Visit

    31 October 2008

    Leaders of 7 business organizations say SEF-ARATS agreements will be positive for nation

    Leaders of seven prominent business organizations visited President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday to emphasize their support for next week’s visit by China’s top envoy.

    The chairman of the semi-official Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, Chen Yunlin, will stay in Taiwan from Nov. 3 through 7 to sign four agreements related to direct transportation links, postal service, and food safety.

    The business groups said the agreements would be positive for both Taiwan and China. Taiwan should be able to hold talks on practical issues with China on a level of equality and respect benefiting both sides, the associations said.

    Before visiting the president, the business groups issued a three-point declaration. The text said interaction between Taiwan and China was positive for Taiwan’s development. The island’s security could also be strengthened through contacts with China, while cross-strait development would advance as long as Taiwan’s identity was respected, the statement said.

    The business organizations also referred to government opinion polls showing 50 percent of the public thought Chen’s visit would bring more benefits than disadvantages.

    The associations said China had survived the present global financial crisis relatively unscathed, and it could be to Taiwan’s benefit to tighten economic links with the country. The business groups also approved plans for an agreement on food safety, saying it would protect the Taiwanese public’s interests.

    The business leaders also emphasized that Taiwan’s identity should be at the center of its talks with China. Talks about direct airfreight links, direct shipping connections, and cooperation on food safety and the fight against crime should always have Taiwan’s interests at heart, the businessmen said.

    In the run-up to Chen’s visit, the president is planning to raise his profile in the media, giving television interviews for the first time since taking office last May 20. Ma will feature on cable station TVBS tonight and on ETTV Friday, according to media reports.

    Massive street marches in Taipei last Saturday attracted an estimated 600,000 people to protest against Chen’s visit and against Ma’s China-leaning policies. The opposition Democratic Progressive Party is planning more protests for next week, but the details have not been announced yet.
