Tuesday 28 October 2008

Singaporeans Wanted by Interpol

6 locals on Interpol wanted list terror suspect Mas Selamat Kastari made it to Interpol’s wanted list after he escaped from detention here earlier this year.

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  1. Singaporeans Wanted by Interpol

    6 locals on Interpol wanted list terror suspect Mas Selamat Kastari made it to Interpol’s wanted list after he escaped from detention here earlier this year.

    By Celine Lim
    28 October 2008

    Terror suspect Mas Selamat Kastari made it to Interpol’s wanted list after he escaped from detention here earlier this year.

    But the former Jemaah Islamiyah leader is not the only Singaporean on the list.

    The Interpol has also issued ‘red notices’ against five other Singaporeans, who are wanted for fraud and other crimes.

    Red notices, which are issued in Arabic, English, French and Spanish, are disseminated to Interpol’s 186 member countries to seek the arrest of wanted persons for extradition.

    The notices contain identification details of the fugitives and are uploaded to the Interpol’s secure police communications network, the I-24/7.

    Each member country has a National Central Bureau, or international police liaison staffed by local law enforcers, that can access the I-24/7 at all times.

    The information can then be disseminated to the relevant authorities - such as agencies in charge of checkpoints - to keep a lookout for these fugitives in their countries.

    Sex: Male
    Date of birth: 23 Jan 1961, aged 47
    Place of birth: Singapore
    Languages spoken: English, Malay
    Nationality: Singapore
    Offence: Terrorism
    Arrest warrant issued by: Singapore

    In 1999, Mas Selamat became head of the Jemaah Islamiyah division here.

    In 2002, he allegedly plotted with four others to hijack a plane from Bangkok and crash it into Changi Airport. The plan was foiled and he fled to Indonesia. In 2006, he was arrested and extradited to Singapore, and he was then detained under the Internal Security Act here.

    On 27 Feb this year, he escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre, apparently by climbing through an unsecured toilet window.

    Sex: Male
    Date of birth: 24 Feb 1973, aged 35
    Place of birth: Singapore
    Languages spoken: Mandarin, English
    Nationality: Singapore
    Offence: Fraud
    Arrest warrant issued by: Singapore

    The former Criminal Investigation Department detective deserted the Singapore Police Force last year.

    He was under investigation by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau then.
    It is unclear if the fraud was connected to his work investigating unlicensed moneylending, reported The Straits Times. Koh has since been struck off the force.

    He owed about $29,000 to three banks and was declared a bankrupt in January after failing to repay his car loan. He did not respond to the lawsuits which were filed against him late last year.

    The penalty for deserting is a jail term of up to 10 years and a $5,000 fine.

    Sex: Male
    Date of birth: 26 Nov 1961, aged 46
    Place of birth: Singapore
    Languages spoken: English, Malay
    Nationality: Singapore
    Offence: Fraud
    Arrest warrant issued by: San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines

    Liew and two others ran a pyramid scam and defrauded thousands of people in the Philippines.

    Sex: Male
    Date of birth: 13 Apr 1973, aged 35
    Place of birth: Singapore
    Language spoken: English
    Nationality: Singapore
    Offence: Fraud
    Arrest warrant issued by: Copenhagen, Denmark

    Sex: Male
    Date of birth: 20 Aug 1966, aged 42
    Place of birth: Hong Kong
    Language spoken: English
    Nationality: Singapore, US
    Offences: Counterfeiting/ forgery, fraud
    Arrest warrant issued by: Vietnam

    Sex: Male
    Date of birth: 3 Aug 1948, aged 60
    Place of birth: Singapore
    Languages spoken: Mandarin, English
    Nationality: Singapore
    Height: 1.60m
    Weight: 68kg
    Colour of eyes: Black
    Colour of hair: Dark brown
    Offence: Kidnapping
    Arrest warrant issued by: Jakarta, Indonesia
