Tuesday 28 October 2008

Americans losing sleep

Financial turmoil is keeping them awake at night.

1 comment:

  1. Americans losing sleep

    Financial turmoil is keeping them awake at night.

    If fellow workers seem groggier or grumpier than usual in the mornings, they are probably losing sleep over the global financial crisis, according to research released on Monday.

    92 per cent of respondents said the economic turmoil is keeping them awake at night, according to a survey by ComPsych Corp, a provider of employee assistance programmes.

    Of those, a third said their biggest worry was the cost of living, while another third cited their credit card debt.

    One in six said their biggest worry was their mortgage payment, and another one in six cited concern over their retirement account.

    Eight per cent of those surveyed said they were not worried.

    Chicago-based ComPsych conducted the online survey of 1,137 employed adults across the United States from Oct 6 through Oct 17. The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percentage points. -- REUTERS
