Monday 21 July 2008

Special Makeup Effects


  1. A repost of my thoughts about GY, dated 8 April 2008. Till today, I still hope that Lady Luck will come to his rescue soon enough and kiss him more often.



    GuanYu's advice, "In the current volatile market, it's safer to do intra-day trading; do not hold heavy positions, overnight."

    I got to know GuanYu in last Oct'07 via due to an unplesant incident pertaining to one of my postings posted in Chinese Language. Thereafter, I became interested to read his postings in SI forum, including the SI archive. I happened to read all his old postings posted in the SMT thread since year 2002 by chance and realised that he had a consistent habit of sharing invaluable market information freely among his cyber friends in SI forum. I also noticed that he used to post realtime charts, up-to-date newsfeed and latest updated reports written by foreign stock analysts (company reviews/recommendations), which were normally not easily available to retail investors then.

    I would never forget that in mid-Nov'07; he specifically coached me via PM on the subject of portfolio re-balance on 2 stocks; Yongnam Vs GZ. Who else in the world would offer to sincerely and patiently teach a stranger individually on the Internet, FOC?

    His patience, unconditional and impartial advice have been good guidance to me. He has helped me tremendously to excel in my ability to gauge stock price fluctuations (mostly news-driven) agst trading volumes more accurately and sharply than before, thru his charts (TA). He taught me how to fish; interms of foresight and a better understanding of the stock market's gameplay, it's really beneficial to me.

    Before his forced break on Tuesday 25 Mar'08, he still continued his old habit (old habit dies hard) to comment and share his personal views and thoughts on global market trends and on individual stock with his friends who visited his blog.

    I do not know or have met GuanYu in person but he is one of my best and great mentors on the Internet.

    I feel very sad that God or heaven upstairs has not been kind to him, lately.

    I wish and hope that Lady Luck will come to his rescue soon enough and kiss him more often.

  2. 鸣金收乒待风雨, 唯望东风盖日月。
    东边日出西边雨, 道是无晴还有晴。
