Tuesday 24 June 2008

Mrs Lee Kuan Yew suffers another massive haemorrhage while in hospital

Mrs Lee Kuan Yew has suffered another massive haemorrhage while in hospital on Tuesday.

A statement from Minister Mentor's Office said she is critically ill, with guarded prognosis for recovery.

Mrs Lee, 87, has been at Tan Tock Seng Hospital since May 12 after suffering a stroke, and has been under close observation.


  1. Heaven/hell dialed the wrong number!

  2. 阎王要你三更死,不会留你到五更!

    Tanya Chua - Where I belong

    Morning comes around and I
    Can't wait to see my sunny island
    In its glorious greenery, whether rain or shine, it's still beautiful
    Bright lights shine on the streets at night
    Guiding me closer to home
    To a place where I'll be safe and warm, where I belong

    Friends and families by my side
    Seeing me through as I grow and learn
    Everyday's experience, bitter sweet or sour
    They're still wonderful
    As they become precious memories
    They'll be kept close to my heart
    And no matter where I am I will always know, where I belong


    Where I belong, where I keep my heart and soul
    Where dreams come true for us
    Where we walk together hand in hand towards a future so bright
    Where I belong, where I keep my heart and soul
    Where we're one big family
    I want the whole world to know, I want to shout it out loud
    That this is where I know I belong
